False Ban
Broo is a chat ban really gonna get me banned? I hop on trying to play w friends then this window pops up telling me that im banned,IDONT and WILL NEVER cheat,idont even have tracker.gg on my pc cuz I heard I gets u banned

16 Replies
do u have cheats for other games in ur pc if yes they it might be because of that also raw accel(not sure if raw accel triggers vanguard but its still third party app), macros ect
raw accel prob not
cheats for other games
It is possible to get permabanned from chat infractions yes
It has to be a very repeated offense or a very gross one though
but it isnt that

True, didn’t read the error code very closely, you right
I dont,did val make a mistake?
All I got to say is, we can't help you here and most likely the official riot support will unban you too bc they trust their vanguard even more than they trust you.
So good luck man
You can either wait up for 4 months typically or just change new hardware parts
the same shit is happening to me currently. ive made multiple requests and i havent heard a word. I dont use cheats or shit. I only use valorant tracker and thats it. its so bs
maybe april 14?
nah riot wouldnt dare
april 14th?
was that
april fools
maybe riot playing around
sadly not bro.
this shit really happening
for no reason
April 1st is April fools
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