VALORANT13mo ago

temporary suspension

Please help, I’m scared of losing my account
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The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
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79 Replies
KiritoOP13mo ago
but no one has my account and its something really scary to lose all my money i even changed the password
Saucywan13mo ago
You can make a ticket to an appeal But you have been permanently banned Please use the link below to submit a ticket to riot
VANGUARD13mo ago
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
KiritoOP13mo ago
What do you mean I’ve been banned I can still enter my account
Saucywan13mo ago
It doesn’t matter
KiritoOP13mo ago
What No way that actually happened
Saucywan13mo ago
Please make a ticket
KiritoOP13mo ago
i did since yesterday
Saucywan13mo ago
Great. Please wait until they respond
KiritoOP13mo ago
thanks just its a scary thing ive never let anyone boost my account its my hard work and id cry if they just cancell it for no reason
Romeo13mo ago
were you able to fix it? i got the same message for no reason ive sent multiple tickets but i havent had any responses
KiritoOP13mo ago
no man sent messages and im waiting its so scary bro
Romeo13mo ago
ive been sending since yesterday havent had one response I literalyl went to bed and then woke up to that its hella scary
KiritoOP13mo ago
is there no one of riot in the server or somethnig like that @Riot Schmick I have no right to bother you, but i wanted to know if you maybe know something about this
Schmick13mo ago
idk why that person said that. section 7 covers all user rules. boosting is only one of many things listed there, and isn't necessarily what you got penalized for https://www.riotgames.com/en/terms-of-service#id.3fwokq0
Schmick13mo ago
and VAL 46 is platform downtime so idk why you're posting that in here if you can still log into the game, then you haven't been penalized at all right?
KiritoOP13mo ago
I can enter to my account Just that every like 2 games or like that the same message appears and again 2 minute ban
Schmick13mo ago
i dont entirely understand it b/c error code 5 says it means that your account was logged into multiple places: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045619633-Error-Codes-in-VALORANT
Error Codes in VALORANT
Something's gone awry in VALORANT? Not to worry. It's why we're here, after all. If you received an error code, chances are there's a number attached. Simply find your number to learn what it means...
KiritoOP13mo ago
I deleted everything to do with riot and fully cleaned the computer from it cause I don’t want issues for now
Schmick13mo ago
but the message says something about behavior, not about being logged into from elsewhere
KiritoOP13mo ago
Schmick13mo ago
so i'm not sure what's up w/that, but my suspicion would be that someone else is playing on your account have you checked your match history to see if someone is playing that isnt you?
KiritoOP13mo ago
Fr? Thing is I changed password as soon as I saw that and also put a verification code with email Thing is I have, and no one has the permission or credentials to enter my account Could it be a riot error?
Schmick13mo ago
it's possible someone has one of your session IDs, in which case they dont need your password or verification code - that can happen if you ever use any 3rd party apps or enter your Riot creds into other apps.
KiritoOP13mo ago
Valorant tracker That’s it honestly I don’t have anything else
Schmick13mo ago
then i'm not sure and you'll have to wait until you hear back from support also make sure you take all these steps to protect your account https://discord.com/channels/679875946597056683/679877028991860876/1125813595884752947
KiritoOP13mo ago
You think I’ll get a message back? I’m just scared that nothing is gonna happen and all my time and money goes away 😦
Schmick13mo ago
yes you should
KiritoOP13mo ago
It’s heartbreaking to know I’m not doing anything and may lose all my hard work 😦 I understand it’s not on you tho I do appreciate all your information Sorry to bother so much I will wait and hope they do answer me :: :/
Saucywan13mo ago
@Riot Schmick sorry but let me help out, the error code has been changed since they updated the article The ban could be permanent or temporary But again, please wait for your ticket to be replied to.
Schmick13mo ago
what makes you think that? but given that they can log into the game, they arent banned
Saucywan13mo ago
There have been other people with the exact same error code. That are indeed banned It should’ve informed you from within riot client If it didn’t that is very weird and you probably aren’t banned and you receive some sort of glitch Yes, very weird. The normal behaviour is it wouldn’t let you to launch the game. And would open riot client and from there you would be able to see the ban
Saucywan13mo ago
It should look something like this
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mythea13mo ago
error codes will never be changed easily they will only add more error codes but not change the existing ones and that error code isn't even about being banned
Saucywan13mo ago
The actual error code means you have been logged out from somewhere else. But many of the people have also received different messages being displayed when the error code is used. I don’t think the actual error code has changed. And every time it was used it is also been in company to a ban which the information about it is visible in the riot client I suspect the person already knows that considering the title of this post Or it’s just a wacky coincidence
mythea13mo ago
are u sure
Saucywan13mo ago
100% positive
mythea13mo ago
u saw someone like this?
Saucywan13mo ago
I don’t know what that means if you’re asking someone with the same error code that was banned yes
mythea13mo ago
there was 8.03 update recently, they could've already been banned before that
Saucywan13mo ago
I should probably stop saying banned, but I have seen people with 100 year temporary suspensions
mythea13mo ago
but they tried to login while the maintenance is still on going
Saucywan13mo ago
Again, looking at the title of the post I do believe they know they were suspended
mythea13mo ago
he's getting kicked out of his account, likely someone kept logging to his acc suspensions won't look like that
Saucywan13mo ago
Why would they get that message then?
mythea13mo ago
. schmick explained tho
Saucywan13mo ago
But why would the server return that message?
mythea13mo ago
still has no relation to ban
Saucywan13mo ago
And in the message itself, it says you can appeal
mythea13mo ago
the server prob rejected his request cuz someone is still logging in and the client also takes that return as maintenance that two prompts is different thing don't mix them up
Saucywan13mo ago
I think we should just wait until they open riot client and see the ban because I’m really confident that they are banned or at least temporary ban for game modification Arguing about it is never gonna get us anywhere anyway Anyway, good night
KiritoOP13mo ago
Wait wait wait what? What do you mean I modified anything Hell nah
KiritoOP13mo ago
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KiritoOP13mo ago
They let me know ain’t cause I’m cheating or did something wrong They just kept suspending for 2 minutes every time That’s all 😒
Saucywan13mo ago
As far as what I have read you have never mentioned that. It would be helpful if all of the information could be provided for the most accurate response It looks like they just want you to reinstall vanguard
KiritoOP13mo ago
Yeah dude, sorry, I was mainly panicking and not asking the appropriate question and giving the full info. I just wanted a response of some kind Yump Seems like it Man, I can breath again
MetuL12mo ago
@Kirito is your problem fixed?
Saucywan12mo ago
Yes All you need to do is reinstall vanguard
MetuL12mo ago
@Saucywan just it?
Saucywan12mo ago
MetuL12mo ago
I also got the same message today
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MetuL12mo ago
And im reinstalling the game again @Saucywan what should i do after the game is installed again?
Saucywan12mo ago
Did you reinstall vanguard?
MetuL12mo ago
@Saucywan i just uninstalled valorant and reinstalling again...but vanguard is still on task bar
Saucywan12mo ago
Then reinstall vanguard
MetuL12mo ago
Ok..so after installing valorant...should i just uninstall vanguard then install it again right?
Saucywan12mo ago
MetuL12mo ago
Ok i'll try tomorrow.... First time i got banned like this😥😥im soo scared...i spent a lott on skins🥺
KiritoOP12mo ago
MetuL12mo ago
Okay tomorrow i'll reinstall my vanguard then
Sanskar Bro
Sanskar Bro12mo ago
Hello guys plz help i am facing a problem . I am getting temporary suspended daily for entring the match 1 min late. Plz help me to escape this matrix. Plz I facing this issue from a week. :val_KekwSob:
Sanskar Bro
Sanskar Bro12mo ago
And today it happened again When I got unban and and i played escalation and eneterd 1min late
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Sanskar Bro
Sanskar Bro12mo ago
And i made tickets 3 times one today, one yesterday and three days ago still no reply.. Plz help @Saucywan , @Riot Schmick , anyone plz
mythea12mo ago
seems like u had been toxic in games or left them
Sanskar Bro
Sanskar Bro12mo ago
nah man @mythea actually the first time it happend when i was playing unrated and suddenly my game crashed and then i joned late due to crash then they all reported me.it was not even compi.
Schmick12mo ago
And i made tickets 3 times one today, one yesterday and three days ago still no reply.
first, sending multiple tickets for the same issue only slows down response times as the agents have to consolidate your tickets second, ticket response time depends on how many tickets are ahead of yours. could be hours, could be days. tickets are responded to in first come, first served order. we get thousands of them a day. third, devs have no ban or unban power or ability to look at tickets, so there's nothing i can do. you'll have to wait for support to respond. make sure to check your spam folder. sometimes the email responses get blocked as spam. alternately, you can log into the support website and check for responses there.
Sanskar Bro
Sanskar Bro12mo ago
mythea12mo ago
yeah so u left ur games, I'd recommend to fix ur crashes first or u will be in an endless loop
Sanskar Bro
Sanskar Bro12mo ago
Finally u understand my problem

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