99 Replies
i tried out enable the scureboot from my bios
my mother board is colourful H510M
it doesnt have the option to turn on the secureboot
i need help alot
Downgrade to windows 10 if u are not able to open secure boot/tpm
how can i downgrade?
reinstall windows i guess
too much work
if i reinstalled it
would it work?
because i transfered it from windows 10 pc
would it work if i installed it from the riotgames from my windows 11?
or would it still ask me to enable secure boot??
i think u will need to enable the options as long as u are in windows 11, i downgraded and it works very well
but i need my windows 11 though
cant downgrade??
isnt there any thing else to do?
the only option is downgrading to play valorant????
i couldnt find a way to bypass this in my old pc but who knows
wait can i downgrade then turn on secure boot then reupgrade to windows 11???
did u have the same motherboard as mine??
u able to enable secure boot in windows 10 but not 11? that's weird
sadly no
im asking u
im on windows 11
i never played valo before
its my first time
i transfered it from my friend who had windows 10
or does it not ask for secure boot when u are windows 10?
owh i see because the only matter should be ur motherboard, and not windows version
you are right
secureboot and tpm2.0 is needed on windows 11
i need to turn them on on my mb
this is my mb

why chinese
i dont have this much options in my board
do i update BIOS?
idk but this is what google gave me

the 4th option is literally password settings
ye has nothing in it
some weird shit
i alr checked 8 times before i come to this server
its jsut so cringe
0.0 maybe try update the bios?
my board is updated to the latest version
still need halp
Please send me what is in the boot tab
Also, press the windows key + r
And enter msinfo32
And send a photo of the app that opens


Top right bios settings
Also, I’m pretty sure that isnt advanced mode
its advanced mode then selected boot
from the left
^ please go here
And show me what is inside of it

Press f11
I’m really curious to see what happens

Oh, it just takes you to there
How boring
I’m guessing CSM support is on
Find some thing in one of those categories, saying CSM support, or legacy support or UEFI mode
yes its on
csm support on
Oh yeah, turn it off

Save and reboot, And go back into your bios and secure boot should be there
nope i rebooted
and no thing is there
Make sure it is disabled
ye its
now what
it is disabled
yes one sec
alr take ur time
If you are sure you cannot find it. Your motherboard just does not support it
According to some articles I found people have also found this out
There is very little documentation on what motherboards do support it and what don't
And by very little I mean none
so my mb doesnt support it
It may but if you cannot find it then I cannot say if it exists
You should make sure you're on the newest BIOS version
u said articles found it?
idk how can i check

where do i find this?
All you need to do is tell me the date

And I'll be able to know if it's the newest version
ye its the newest one
Well that makes no sense
thats why i came here ;-;
i dont think my motherboard that outdated that doesnt support such thing
i just bought this pc 2 months ago

Does this look like your motherboard
yes its
What CPU do you have?
core i5 11th gen
Yep I'm pretty sure that's the right motherboard

en . colorful . cn/en/home/Product?id=914&mid=84
look valo starts but this shit start
This is your motherboard
I can't send the link because obviously this website isn't whitelisted

this is exactly my motherboard
Yep that's the same one as the link I sent you
The only thing that doesn't make sense

The newest bios update was from 2021
^ Yours is from the end of 2022
no valo?
Sometimes they remove the requirement some people don't need to enable it
Just get lucky
how though
like what do i do
One sec, while I get the funny person
No idea asked this guy he's the one that doesn't have secure boot on
i want to play valoooooooooo
What is it?
Huh, I was sleeping
helpppp meeeee
There are no bios manuals available online for this particular motherboard, if you want help enabling secure boot, either try finding it yourself or change the bios language and provide images of every page
Make sure csm is off, the bios is in UEFI and that you’re on a GPT based drive
what would the bios language change
If it doesn’t exist then as it’s a very obscure brand your best bet is most likely downgrading to windows 10 unless you want to try and pursue contact with the brand maker
Oh wait you already changed it to English I only saw the one in what I would assume is Chinese
Alright I looked through all the images and I would probably say it doesn’t exist
How did you install windows 11 did you use a cracked bypass or something?
my windows 11 is activated
i bought my pc with its windows 11
Maybe it’s in advanced > trusted computing?
Honestly though if you can’t find it then your only two options are contacting the manufacturer or downgrading
i down graded and nmow it say this

@Arii @Saucywan
Please download direct X
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windows 10 is yucky
did u even install drivers
gpu drivers should have that included