21 Replies
any 1 else
@Cleaned Please do not run the file that was sent.
I'm already in contact with them they know
Thank you and sorry for the ping again
im slow but cmon man
check @.karma thing please
also tricky please help me ðŸ˜
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
any one help im a addict
Sorry about that i'm sorry about the virus link
The comments that I'll resend here that I sent to you here and in dms will simply reset some windows network things
pc proceeds to brick (joke)
You can easily just search up some of the things if you want to know specifically what they do
wont install vanguard

After the commands in cmd it should ask you to restart your computer so please do that
i did
Okay, sorry
all good
(ima cry now)
It has to do for some reason your computer cannot contact the server to be able to pull down some of the files
have you ever played valorant on your computer before
Also I'll be a couple of minutes since as soon as I saw your messages with the other person I immediately went on my computer
And was not ready to do this brb
yea i believe i deleted vanguard
and it dosnt wanna come back
Do you have another antivirus software, other than windows defender
no so uhh
ima just wait til i get a new pc ngl
Got it