Aider moi svp je n'arrive pas a lancer a cause de van9003 Jai essaye d'activer le secure boot ensuite mon pc ne partait pas dans le bureau il faisait ecran noir ensuite Jai du réinitialiser le bios

27 Replies
Il faut que tu aille sur ton bois
Est que tu active Security boot
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
@야니수 찬! enft jai fais ensuite mon ecran devenait tout noir javais plus d'image
Ah Oe chaud

^^ Please follow this
@Saucywan . For the TPM no problem and then I activated the secure boot, but nothing since, black screen and no possibility of anything.
select reset to factory keys for secure boot
@mythea Do you think I would still have a black screen because I'm afraid it will hurt me again
it wont hurt anything...
one day I tried the pc turns on but no boot page or BIOS logo where do you think the problem came from?
how's ur mobo indicator lights?
that can be many things
no boot device found, faulty gpu, boot os not signed by secure boot
u said no bios logo
it could be faulty gpu
It's all for a game, I just want to play Valorant, think, I should try what you tell me
Just to clarify, you’re saying your PC will not boot into windows
One day I tried to activate secure boot, I saved and exited the bios then the pc turned on but no boot page
if I had to guess then I'd say you are on MBR or on legacy
some setups won't post if one of those is the case
I do not really know
for legacy it should say in msinfo32 under BIOS Mode
for the MBR you search for 'disk management' then right click on Disk 0 in the bottom left and click properties, after that it should under the volumes tab say if its GPT or MBR
Im in UEFI
Please undo the steps you followed
okk so what steps should I follow?
Wait, did you turn off CSM support?
this from the guide

I don't remember anymore I have a favor to ask you can you give me the steps to follow so that I can do it tomorrow please
@Saucywan pls
Just follow this but do the opposite
If you find something that you did not change please tell me about it
Maybe you missed one of the steps please inform me of the step that you missed if you did miss one
OK I will say thank you for your help