┬ Waiting for DNS to propagate (19s) ...

I ran the command to create next js app with cloudflare, i completed everything but the terminal is stuck in a loading state of this, what should i do?
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4 Replies
Chaika13mo ago
Did it ever complete? 19s isn't that long to wait for DNS Propogation. There was DNS update issues just earlier as well. On my end https://affilia-web.pages.dev/ works so if it's still waiting you could probably kill it
Create Next App
Generated by create next app
solbassOP13mo ago
It never completed, but ill just kill it thanks @Chaika are you also a swift/ios developer? saw you have experience w/ C
Chaika13mo ago
nah, I'm not just backend/some desktop stuff, and some passable web stuff
renanmalato12mo ago
@solbass you got it solved? i'm on the same page here trying to build that locally for a course

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