My Nvidia Legacy GPU does not support the 474.64...
Hello!, I´ve been having this issue since day one, but first the context:
My GPU is a GT 730, which Device ID (0F02) does not allow get the 474.64, Which are the latest drivers for some GT730. And i just happened to get a GT730 that cannot get the 474.64 drivers.
(Device IDs can be also checked in the NVIDIA Legacy Cards website).
Due to this context already explained, here the issue:
Valorant seems to understand that i have a GT 730, and not considering the Device ID, says that i need the "latest drivers" that i cannot even access.
I even tried using NVCleanstall to get the 474.64 version and installed it. (Both DCH/Non-DCH)
(Drivers did not recognize my GPU, hence the Device ID)
Right now i am stuck with using the integrated gpu.
Is there anyone that could help me, and if not, who should i talk this about?.
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