Van: restriction
I have this problem and I cant fix it

61 Replies
I'm working
not anymore
help? 🥲
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
Please press win + r. Then, enter tpm.msc. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
send a photo of what
The stupid ssl certificate isn't working
I'm gonna throw this stupid certificate down a volcano

I need more information than that
the TPM doesnt work
Bios manufacturer and your CPU

I censor my name and important stuff
Reboot the computer and spam the "del" (delete) key on your keyboard
Go to "Advance Mode" (Press F2)
Go to "Settings"/"Miscellaneous"
Select “AMD CPU fTPM” - Set it to "Enabled".
Then Save and exit
I did that
6 times
yoo moon you kinda the same laptop as me
Can you show me
its my pc
Ignore them :D
i will retry 1 more time
I swear if its doing again
i will smash my monitor with a hammer
shutdown /r /fw
Again all I need is a photo
type that into cmd prompt
Don't @Moon
@ShotByan If you do not leave you will be banned from the server :D
alright bro
bro all he wants to go into the bios im helping him
ok jeez man
ill leave

It should be under miscellaneous settings
I have easy mode
It is on easy mode right now?
^ Then

found it
Can you show me a photo please
I have it enabled already

One sec
I disabled and after again enabled?
Did you just change that or was it already on?
I changed yeasterday
Go to trusted computing
Click it?
It's under "above 4G decoding"

Turn on security device support
That should have been enabled by default
i did
Save and exit and reboot into your bios and go back to that tab
ok i will go now
It should say security device found
i will check now
it works
tysm @Saucywan
god bless you brother