this app cant run on your pc
i tried to open valorant on my pc today and got this message. What do i do? i havent opened valorant in a few days and i havent done anything to my pc

16 Replies
What OS are you running?
windows 10
Is it an up to date version of windows?
i believe so?
it doesnt give me the option to update in my start menu
i can check if theres one in settings
@Nourk I am going to be honest, I have never seen windows prevent the stop of Valorant before like this
I will say check to see if your PC is operating on the latest version of windows, uninstall Vanguard then uninstall Valorant, re-install after
ill try that
Make sure you have Directx12
how do i check that
it say that setup could not download the file

nvm it says that because i already had it installed
Cool! 😎
Any luck on the uninstall and reinstall front?
I’m going to try it tommorow
I’ll let you know if it works