How to disable Wrangler CLI "UI"?
Can anyone tell me how to hide the CLI UI box that triggers when running
wrangler dev
For clarity its the boxed off section that shows up in the CLI that shows these options:
[b] open a browser, [d] open Devtools, [l] turn off local mode, [c] clear console, [x] to exitI'm running
wrangler dev
in a monorepo structure using turborepo and I'm finding this CLI UI really clunky an preventing me from clearly seeing logs as turborepo already has it's own CLI UI. I've tried using the flag --log-level=none
but that did not help
6 Replies
I don't think it's possible today, but this would be nice to have - could you open a GitHub issue so the team is aware of this feature request?
sure which repo should I open it on?
I think it would be beneficial in general for non interactive use cases
I'll open it there thx
I agree it would be pretty nice
adding issue link here for tracking/anyone that might view this later
🚀 Feature Request: Add flag to hide wrangler CLI UI box · Issue #50...
Describe the solution I'd like to request a cli flag or non-interactive option to be added that hides the CLI UI box that is created by wrangler that gives the following options [b] open a brow...