Need help to Recover my account plssss
Guys my account is banned due to sharing of account reason. When I raised a ticket they told me the decision made to permanently ban my account cannot be changed for any reason. Please does anyone have a solution for this pls anyone reply 🙏
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there is no solution.
support is the only place where you can recieve help - if they say no, it stays with a no...
14 Replies
there is no solution.
support is the only place where you can recieve help - if they say no, it stays with a no
Will it be permanently banned ??? There's isn't a recovery time period ???
"When I raised a ticket they told me the decision made to permanently ban my account cannot be changed for any reason"
Im just asking bro
im answering
Have u ever got ur acc banned ?
and im not planning to
but whatever the support says is official - account will not be unbanned
Not even 50/50 ?
"When I raised a ticket they told me the decision made to permanently ban my account cannot be changed for any reason"
If your appeal is rejected you cannot appeal again and it will always be declined
"cannot be changed for any reason"