Getting false AFK penalties.
I will end up joining a game and in the agent picking screen the game will freeze. I can still hear other people and they can hear me but everything is frozen and stuck on the agent picking screen. Please help it’s like every other game this happens and I can provide proof if needed.
42 Replies
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
Not sure this is what you’re looking for but it’s what it opened when running that prompt.

Your running valorant?
Can you send a video of what you mean / or explain a little bit more
Also does this only happen in real matches?
I can yes but I’ll need to wait for the hour and a half cooldown to get into a match
I’ve only ever done real matches
I’m very low level
New to the game
Join the shooting range
It seems to only happen in public matches yes
Are you having any network problems
Like lagging out, having high ping
I average around 30 ping and my game runs very smoothly
I don’t think so
Try joining a death match instead
Try joining a less than optimal custom game if you’re banned from every game mode
Like 50-60 ping one
Should I record? Again this glitch is very random for me
If you can
Use a clipping software
Less hassle for you
Can you send me a link?
@Saucywan can you get him like medal or something?
I’m on phone so it takes a while
All good take your time 👍
You could also just use your phone
wait is your game installed on an ssd or hdd
that might be why your game is slow
it’s not just slow it freezes entirely even though I can hear the game surroundings and my teammates
My game runs well otherwise when the glitch doesn’t occur
Thanks 🙏
When it happens, check task manager and see if anything is out of the ordinary as well
Not sure what to look for I’m not very good with computers but I’ll try
I have to do this instead
What does less than optimal custom game mean?
Just regular?
I’m trying it just regular for now
I meant it as in starting a custom game on a server worse than your normal 30 ping
To see if it enhances the issue or not
Basically any extremely high percentage is bad
And even a decently high disk usage can mean problems
On a server worse than my usual ping? How would I do that
Alright I’ll look out for it if it occurs again
after selecting custom game you can hover over a button to choose the server you play on
its the same for everything else as well
K I’ve got it at around 60
It’s not doing anything in custom games
I’ve tried going into it 5 times
No sign of the glitch
try a deathmatch
you can leave it with no penalty
and also if you have an ssd you should install valorant there instead
banned from all matchmaking for the next 30 minutes ill try soon
sadly i do not
just try the deathmatch then
also defrag your harddrive
I’ve tried death match 3 times
No sign of the glitch
I’ll do some regular games just to see
I’m wondering if it might be how I start up my game
Sometimes I’ll just double click on valorant
Other times I’ll go into riot games then run valorant
That shouldn't really affect it
But I'm glad your issue is currently fixed
Now that I have medal I’ll send yall a clip if it occurs again
Do you mind if I @ you when I do?
You can
Thanks 🙏
if its not happening now I would probably just guess and say it might be that you're running out of ram due to the standbyset or something
and that it'll only occur after the computer has been running for long enough