afk penalty

I dont know why but i keep getting afk penaltys even without afking . i wasnt disconected or anything and was just playing the game and got an afk penalty even though i didnt afk in any recent match. can anyone help me. i need to know because it didnt happen once and i want to solve it .like i was saying i wasnt afk in any recent games i had. the last afk i had was like 3 moths ago PLEASE HELP
3 Replies
Arii13mo ago
Perhaps you loaded into the game too slowly and it counted as afk but you just didn’t notice it? Could also be that you abandoned a match
Toldziu Yoldziu
Toldziu YoldziuOP13mo ago
idk i didnt abondon any mathes too xD
Lava13mo ago
sometimes if u are afk a lot but dont actually get kicked people will report u and you'll get penalised ? especially iof u are holding a key down

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