Error on riot web
am i the only one getting this? i cant go to my account settings and its been like this since a few days ago, its annoying at this point because on service status it says that everything is working fine

53 Replies
yeah i am also trying to find a solution for it, my in game name is goth e girl and i wanna change it but it keeps giving me this error.. 😭
Idk I’ve seen this post pop up way too many times by now, there is definitely something going on
yeah and i cant do nothing ab it
Refuse to believe this many people can randomly be having internet issues to this one website
because you cant even send reports
yeah it would be weird
LMAOOO mine is the name of a monster high and i wanna be me again
Time to establish a pattern ig, what country do you live in and do you use a VPN?
spain, euw
not vpn
someone said this:
I talked to valorant support and they said this:
"Try disabling your AdBlocker and clear the cache and cookies of your main browser (Chrome, Mozilla, etc.)
Try disabling any plug-ins or extensions from the browser.
If the issue persists, use a different browser from the one you originally were using. For most people, that means instead of Chrome, you're going to want to use Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Firefox, etc. in incognito mode (most preferably use Microsoft Edge in Safe mode).
This has fixed the issue in most cases, so fingers crossed! If it doesn't seem to work at first, it's also not a bad idea to try on a different device altogether, if that's an option for you.
Try not using your Google Account login to access the settings."
currently trying that
Off to a terrible start, eu country is a very low chance of being blocked by the government
This would be viable for single handset issues
But literally hundreds are having this per day rn
yeah the fact is one i have the issue but my friend who lives like next door doesnt have it
we both use opera gx
Unless everyone is using the same adblocker ig lmao
and my wifi is better than his
i dunno
im gonna try a new browser
yeah same
try a different product if it doesn’t work, like use your phone or something

ah yea it doesnt work for me aswell
sure imma try phone
nope phone doesnt work aswell
Can you try enabling the VPN in opera and then trying?
sure one second
it doesnt work aswell sadly

you can see on the top its enabled
That’s a different error tho I think
i think im just gonna ask my friend to log onto my account and change the name
My German isn’t the best but it’s something about the 2fa I think

i dont think its a different one
I believe oauth2 is a 2fa protocol iirc
same here
doesnt work on my phone
It could be something stupid that maybe it’s trying to get 2fa from phones?
one second
And the service is down perhaps
nope its not trying to get 2fa from my phone
i think its the same thing just in german
It definitely isn’t
I hope my German isn’t that bad xd
nahh its fine
welp my friend got online imma ask him to log into my account
It says something like “there is a problem with the OAuth2-protocol, please try again later”
but its been like that for days
Oh the Oauth is just ssl for riot so it’s trying to sign you in using your last session but failing
ahh alright
It is a different error but it’s not relevant :val_KekwSob:
my friend just tried it aswell and it failed
okay weird
It lets me login on any pc I try which is weird
thats weird
same here
a friend says that hhappens the same to him
yeah its just bugged i dunno
yeah its still bug

patch is releasing for valorant right?
We are facing the issue on riot website
i tried by login in a different way
and it worked
i log usually with google
i put my username and password
and worked
idek why
i see
but i forgot my password and i aint getiing no mail when i reset password
so pissed rn
you dont get the mail?
i got it in a second
thats weird
try it again later, if you dont get it i can try to help or sum
no mail whatsoever
Sign out
Go to sign in page back
Click on cant sign in
And itll ask u to update ur account
Click on update
And then sign in again
If it doesnt work, try signing in for the second time then it will work