VALORANT•13mo ago

My aim is very bad, how can i improve

any tips?
There are 3 main things you want to do to ensure good mechanics, 1. Practice, put in the time doing deathmatches, a proper warmup and maybe even aim training/ movement practice 2. Implementation, play enough games to where you stop needing to focus on your mechanics to perform them well. It needs to become muscle memory. 3. Rest adequately, it may suck but try not to play too much valorant while extremely tired late at night etc as it gives you bad muscle memory....
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6 Replies
MODSTAROP•13mo ago
struggling at bronze 🙂
Lucid•13mo ago
Just play more games. You'll improve on your own after like silver 2 3 check out on internet how to improv
Arii•13mo ago
There are 3 main things you want to do to ensure good mechanics, 1. Practice, put in the time doing deathmatches, a proper warmup and maybe even aim training/ movement practice 2. Implementation, play enough games to where you stop needing to focus on your mechanics to perform them well. It needs to become muscle memory. 3. Rest adequately, it may suck but try not to play too much valorant while extremely tired late at night etc as it gives you bad muscle memory.
Arii•13mo ago
Those are 3 things you should be doing to perform better mechanical wise but they definitely don’t cover every single thing that can make you improve, research is key
|| MA ||
|| MA ||•11mo ago
Play death match
Tactical tickle
Tactical tickle•11mo ago
Yeah death match is good but I also tried aim lab's which helps a little

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