VALORANT13mo ago

Monitor suggestions

Hi I want to buy a new monitor bc my pc displays more than 140 fps in game most of the time so should I buy a new one? 144Hz or even higher(244)? My current monitor is 75 Hz. Is there a huge difference between 75 and 144 fps?
13 Replies
Arii13mo ago
144hz is not really that worth it if you can only get 140 fps "most of the time" but it is such a huge difference over 60 hz it is diabolical if you do choose to buy one despite this make sure it has gsync or freesync so you don't have to look at the screen tearing and desyncs
ησxOP13mo ago
Ok thanks
pigalt13mo ago
What is your current budget?
ησxOP13mo ago
I'd say less than 200€ around 150 if it's possible
hLo85313mo ago
1080p 240hz is amazing @ησx what country? i can recommend one
ησxOP13mo ago
Arii13mo ago
240 hz is not worth buying when you get less than 140 fps You won’t even notice it since you’re forced to use gsync and drop down to 144hz anyways making it just money wasted The money saved is better spent elsewhere
ησxOP13mo ago
ye I checked and I'm between 135 and 200 fps I found two monitors AOC Gaming 24G2SPAE (165 Hz 166€) and KOORUI monitor (165 Hz 146€)
Lucid13mo ago
100 % look reviews of amd freesynch or g sync for screen tearing on the specifik monitor your wanting to get since a bad display can really f up your experience since your not pushing the monitors max hz all time
hLo85313mo ago
yea but im saying if u have a decent pc 300+ fps is easy any modern cpu with a decent gpu can get that 1080p 240hz is the best choice if u play a lot of comp shooters
Arii13mo ago
And that is not relevant to this person in the slightest though
hLo85313mo ago
i just said 1080p 240hz is nice i literally pinged them and said i can recommend a monitor get the koorui one
Arii13mo ago
And so are 3090s but don’t go putting ideas that buying 240hz when he can’t even reach the frames required as recommendations when it’s literally a waste of money, it’s like if you asked me for a car recommendation for your budget of 4k€ and I told you that the Porsche is pretty cool and that I know a good car from them I’m not saying you are intending something bad by saying it but placing ideas like that can very easily convince people with less knowledge into bad decisions

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