Help me this broke for 1 week tried everything
HElp me this going on for about 1 week its making me crazy tried all the methods i play on a laptop on legacy and is boot up mode is unsupprted and i have no uefi mode restart im i cooked?

341 Replies
I legit started playing but ever since my brother went on my computor messed everything
Please don't randomly ping users!
In order to get Vanguard, VALORANT’s anti-cheat, to work on your computer you most enable secure boot and TPM 2.0. Here are some resources that will assist you in the process:
VALORANT Support on Van 9001 & 9003:
Microsoft Support on Secure Boot:
Microsoft Support on TPM 2.0:
Yeah, don’t ping mods
Please press win + r

dont mind the bad specs
i aint gonna play for my whole life no more
i was gonna become a up coming valorant pro
Open cmd as admin
Enter diskpart
Then enter, list disk
Then, send me a photo
ok bro

is this alright
Enter exit
wait like type in exit
leaving diskpart
what now
mbr2gpt.exe /validate /disk:0 /allowFullOS

oh alright
oh no 512 bytes
thats incredibly low
mbr2gpt.exe /convert /disk:0 /allowFullOS

if i need like remove my whole system im down to do it
Nope, you’re good
alright what now
thats it?
You are the chosen one.
whats that
Please wait one second
Do you know how to boot into the bios?
once again i do not have like a pc i have a laptop but like i can advance start up
That does not matter
yea yea
i know
what now
Boot into your bios
u r my fav
It just says turn of your pc
Please send me a photo
Oh shit

There were previously more options
That’s not your bios
Bro Im using windows
I don't have a mother oard
Or a graphics
Turn off your system
Turn it back on
SPAM press the F10 key
Wait what I have a bios setting the whole time
What now bods
Your system would not function without it

Go to the security tab
Find secure boot configuration
I don't have that but in advance there is boot options

Is there a boot tab?
Main security advanced what else
That's it
There should be more than three
Send me a photo of your entire screen

Scroll down
I'm going threw all the options and in some of them you know how you say more than 3 they put like all of tonfit in 3

In the security tab scroll down

Can you show me?

Yes it load
Select boot mode, UEFI native without CSM
OHH shit I can turn on the secure boot
Do I?
Should I test if it work
Save and exit
I'll do that next time. Thanks.
And is this gonna make my computer work faster
Who told you that?
I would think that because nvm
It says secure boot on thanks bro love you
I love valorant community
Oh crap bro
What about this

I got boot done what about tpm 2.0
Wait I know
Advance start up and restart uefi
You there?
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
Make sure to scroll to the bottom

oh thanks?
what now
You may be able to update the tpm firmware
what was that
One sec
Your pc may not support tpm 2.0
But this may still work
just downlado it
what now
But again it may not work
Your pc is not on the supported list
yea i downloaded and agree terms and stuff finished but it diseapred
do i need to go somewhere
Please go here: C:\SWSetup\SP81900
do i type it in run
or cmd

And run the TPMConfig64

can i not play valorant no more
yea but i was previously playing before wiht no 2.0
Yes, It looks like tpm 2.0 is not supported
can i go back to my orginal state
do i need to force update windows 11
im windows 10 and if i force windows 11 update i get 2.0?
But you may still be able to update your bios and enable vbs to disable the tpm 2.0 requirement for Valorant
so how do i do all that stuff.
HP EliteBook Folio 1040 G2 Notebook PC Software and Driver Download...
Download the latest drivers, firmware, and software for your HP EliteBook Folio 1040 G2 Notebook PC. This is HP’s official website to download the correct drivers free of cost for Windows and Mac.

Just select windows 10
and then windows 10 64 bit
what now
Under bios find this

And download it
i dont see nothing

dam is my laptop that bad


alright so what now i download it
yea im done download nothing happend
i set up it

One sec!
you there

When downloading, select "No, thanks"
DO NOT SELECT "Ok, download now"
ok ready

Press next

and next
ok copying the update

Press restart
and this kinda to much just to play valorant right?
Ok restarting
No, your just unlucky

Apply update now
Ok lebronzo should I be concerned that is frozen on 87 percent
Bro it's stuck

You can’t turn off your system
what you calling him lebronzo for 😭
Because bro I'm stressing my whole shit is gonna go away
this is a bios update, no?
if you turn off the system, you are absolutely fucked
if you don't its gonna be okay
Are you a professional tech man?
well I don't get paid so no
I'm I good?
Because it's stuck
I mean the progress bar is probably not coded to change for every single thing that gets changed in bios
its most likely still working, just give it some time
Yea but the thing was just working it was consistently going up and it got stuck
That's not normal
it just depends how the progress bar is coded, which we don't know
Here's the thing I've play val all my life but never has this happens unless someone is hwdi spoofing or cheating and my brother previously went on myaptop to play
1s lemme scroll up and see what the problem is
ah yeah, this is just riot being goofy
they are giving random people the requirements to get secure boot and tpm dw about it
Why the flip you need tm and boot up stuff to play val?
long story short they make the system more secure against unsecure / unverified files
which indirectly cuts down on cheats
Like bro should I sue you and get money and give you 50/50 money
And buy my self a new set up
I ain't got no money to sue 😭
BRO ITS STUFK ON 87 and it's gonna start raining soon there's a high chance my powers go out
I mean you have to get very unlucky for it to break
its not even guaranteed to brick the system if you turn off the pc during bios updates, its just a scarily high chance
Should I be concerned it's still stuck
A malfunction in the update
well it could be, usually these only take a few minutes
And just broke my wrist
just leave it running though, if you turn it off or the rain turns it off its all the same
but leaving it running may let it finish
So after like a day if it's not finished
What to do
lmao yeah if it takes an entire day you might want to gamble on a restart
And doing all of this just to play a game I'm not even good at
do be like that sometimes
Me getting some to eat and seeing this
I'm cooked
How do I like go back and doni press button to go baxk
the update finished?
Still stuck
then you leave it running
The bar has notpged a single bit
there is no back button since there is nothing to go back to
if your bios doesn't exist, the boot loader doesn't exist, and you can't start the computer
I just found out I have bios so I'm copl

it gets even worse if you turn off the pc and you get unlucky
then your motherboard goes pop
Lucky for me I have a laptop so
Don't even have a pc
My other laptop was better than this current laptop but the screen has poor stability and snapped a d detached from my whole keyboard
well its both good and bad ig
Got it from my dad and my 2 brothers
If this breaks I'll go on eBay and buy a mini PC and connect it to my laptop
My monitor
buying a pc is all fun and games until you gotta buy the graphics card
bank account drops to 0
A 1090 ti whatever is called is like 260
unless I'm missremembering I don't think 1090 ti exists
also for budget systems I would probably go with an AMD graphics card since they are typically better with mid-low end cards
1050 ti
idk for the price of a 1080 ti, I would probably get a 6600 xt
buying a unused 1080 ti is unecessarily expensive and the used ones have quite a lot of years in them now
Is it easy to build oc
I mean its not hard to do, but there are a couple of things people typically mess up
as long as you follow a guide your first time doing it and you have more than like 2 braincells you can put one together relatively easily for your first time
Still stuck
meh its alright, its not the most boring you can do
the cable management, cpu cooler and motherboard may be a little annoying the first time but it gets easier
I'll still take it over paying extra money for prebuilt stuff 100%
those guys force you to sit and read through the entire computer specs to find out where they tried to save money on your expense
If my laptop came with nivivida GeForce I would had no lag just delay
I'm not sure what you mean by this
Because GeForce you can optimize the crap out of your graphics
But Intel i5 core is dog crap
there isn't a whole lot you can change about the graphics card
especially when it comes to valorant since its heavily cpu demanding
it does beat the intel integrated graphics though yea lmao
Yea I can barely reach 60 fps on certain. Maps on tf2
Should unplug the battery outage
So it can restart the update
I'm about to punch my screen
It's so annoying
Windows key plus b
It worked I think
I restarted it
You gambled?
And it still didn't work
The motherboard got fried?
The guy said update it and I restarted it
Don't even have one
But he said I gotta like update something
Well there is always one, even in laptops
Yea but my laptop is working fine
Welp looks like you gambled successfully
Yes but it says still tpm 2.0 enabled
I have to
What I do bro
What did I do to deserve this
Well most likely he told you to update bios to try and let you update the tpm module
I’m not sure if it lets you on your current version since he asked you to do it
Finna check my bios
Hears the problem
I can't access my bios
I'm spamming f10
Bro where's that guy st
That Pokemon tech guy
@Saucywan this Pokémon tech guy?
Like bro I just wanna play valorant man
I doubt you’ll find anything other than the enabling switch for tpm in bios tho
You gotta like download an update tool and clear your tpm I believe
This auto disabled my tpm bro I didn't allow val to do that
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
Well it’s 3am I gotta go sleep now, “the Pokémon tech guy” will solve the issue

ok bro you made my computor go from being made 8 years ago to 4 years agi
weird but you upgraded my computor
Please press win + r. Then, enter tpm.msc. Then, send a photo of the app that opens

Make sure to compare the bios version it may not have finalized before you update tpm btw
He kinda unplugged the pc

I didnt
I restarted by holding the power button and windows plus b
it was stuck on 87 percent for 40 minutes
ey and remember you said the 2.0 was supported
i can re download it
i can try to redownload
yes, please :D
it was run command
yea remember you said i coldnt download the tpm
you not remember
You can't download it because your pc doesn't support it
yea but i updated
Just rerun the bios update
I'm pretty sure the bios update did not apply
As it did not finish
how do you know it did not finish
Just reopen the file you downloaded
You shut down your computer before it reached 100%
It would have auto restarted your computer
i try download but tpm unsupported what now
Not TPM the bios update
yes im sure i did
This one

i am sure i downloaded it
And now open it
because i got new features and the update computor was made in 2020 and mine was made in 2016
it went from 2016 to 2020
I wanna make sure
It will error out if it was applied correctly

is this gonna work?
Wait, try val first
i did no work
i try one more time
Yep says tpm 2.0 enabled
So I just click next and download it?
Wait, I'm going to try to disable tpm first
Go to your bios
What button spam?
Bro it's not work usually it says esc to go to startup menu and it don't say no more and when I spam f10 doesn't eork
Are you in windows right now?
Like I have the system windows?
Yes I have the windows wall paper
And there's window icon
is your system in windows
Yea not sure
Do this
Open cmd as admin
And enter this:
shutdown.exe -t 0 -r -fw
This will automatically boot you into your bios
It didn't tho
It glitched into a white screen for a split second and loaded into my lock screen
It said esc for startup menudo
I think your bios is corrupted
Oh crap
It is now 100% necessary to reinstall it
Yea how
It said something like a error thingy but the thing disappeared
It says restart do I click restart
Ohh it repeared
So I restart to fix
What happened?
Alright in my bios
Got my bios back
Good :D
Ok so now what
Is it now updating?
Got it
One sec
I already downloaded it I just restarted it so it's fixing it and I got my bios now
It says tpm embedded security but it's grey so I can't click it
Send a photo please

I have a update systems bios

I don't need to I just tpm related
Find a listing for either TPM, Intel Platform Trust Technology (IPTT), or AMD CPU fTPM
Here's the thing bucko I don't know where's that
This the closet thing

It should be in security
Under the name TPM State
I found Intel r ht technology
There is so much things
And theres still more to scroll down

Select change on tpm embedded security
In my anti virus it says my ramsoware is off
Like I can't turn it back on
It says controller by administrator
So that's why tpm is like grey and can't controll it
Are you in windows?
Because no antivirus setting would be in your bios
It's not
I'm just saying when I'm playing games it says anti virus off and whenever I try to turn it back on
It also just means you're not an administrator and need a login within administrator account to change that setting
It won't let me
Ramsoware is off so and Im forced to have it off
That's possibly interfering with valorant
Found the thing you taking about

That's not it
Is it fine if I set my memory size to 512mb because it's on 32 mb
You shouldnt change it

Also, just save changes :D
and exit
Man I guess I cant play no mo
I can't seem to find a way to disable tpm
No it says to enable tpm to 2.0
I don't wanna disablenit
Meaning that Valorant will always require you to have TPM 2.0
Yea will technically
Disabling it may disable the requirement to have tpm 2.0
I have done it before where updating the bios simply disabled the requirement for people that didn't have it
The only difference here is that you do have it just the wrong version
It's either I factory reset my PC for it to work
I don't even think doing that would work
Because I factory reset before because I had no storage
It's also possible that it's probably just firmware
And that there is something you can download to completely remove it or disable it
Are you back in windows?

Oh yeah that means nothing it just wants you to sign up for Onedrive which allows you to sync your photos and videos and downloads and stuff to an online account

I can help you fix that later but right now it isn't the top priority
Can you open device manager simply with windows search
Yea I can delete it
You may not want to play Valorant
I can open device manager
I'm gonna delete everything
You will most likely be instant banned
The cheats
No I know he has ai cheats
He can literally not get banned unless he's rage cheating
And he has like a spoofwrn
I'm sorry but I don't think I can help you any further
crazy because it litterally says 2 or 2,3

yea thanks for aleast enabling boot
This will be closed due to mentions of having cheats installed.
If you need any assistance, please contact riot support for anymore assistance.
i wasnt cheating it was my brother im delteing it