found this thing called counterstrafin from a friend and decided to try it out. my aim became x3 times worse since then. is it really worth it
8 Replies
In valorant, not really since you already have such a fast stopping pace
It’s definitely better, just not as important as it is in cs
counterstrafin is only useful in cs, in valorant you don't need this trick.
Counter strafing isnt that useful in valorant since it only takes 7 frames to stop,
but in cs it takes 22
so no
dont use counterstrafing
if you have great movement your enemies wont hit shit on you but if you crouch everytime you will get one tapped 90% of the time
also it depends on what elo ur in
you arent counter strafing properly then
if u are in a gunfight, counterstrafing will save ur life
the moment u start to crouch and spray, consider yourself dead
Id say depends on your rank if you are higher elo id consider trying to understand how it completely works. if your not yet at high elo id consider looking other aspect to improve you
The overall ''getting better'' with counterstrafing is not much of an impact compared to other aspects
A more important aspect if your goal is improving mechanics is to at least learn deadzoning though
It’s very similar to the default strafing patterns people already use in valorant and can improve your gunfights significantly if used correctly
my friend has incredible aim but he only shoots when standing still
it honestly hurts to see him die because he didnt counter strafe