Need some help with some bazzite settings on LegionGo

Hello. Almost done with setup but there are few questions left about setting up Simpledeckytdp plug-in: 1) should I enable or disable background polling? And what does this setting do? 2) Should I enable power controls? If yes - what's best setting for power governor? And what's the best setting for energy performance preference? Or maybe I should use different settings under different scenarios? Thank You for Your answers.
as for power controls, there's no "best setting" for Governor and EPP. You should think of it as a way to control your CPU. For lots of games, especially AAA, they tend to be bottlenecked by GPU, not CPU. For those games, you'll want to redirect as much resources as possible from the CPU to GPU...
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8 Replies
Aru13mo ago
so you shouldn't need background polling, assuming you've setup STAMP in the bios
Aru13mo ago
as for power controls, there's no "best setting" for Governor and EPP. You should think of it as a way to control your CPU. For lots of games, especially AAA, they tend to be bottlenecked by GPU, not CPU. For those games, you'll want to redirect as much resources as possible from the CPU to GPU
Aru13mo ago
so you'd probably want powersave governor, maybe balance performance EPP for extremely CPU-heavy games, performance governor would make sense for to feed the CPU and for lightweight indies, you can do powersave governor + powersave EPP to save on battery consumption you can similarly also redirect resources away from the CPU to GPU by increasing the minimum GPU clocks, this will force the APU to redirect power to maintain the min GPU clock a reasonable default would probably be powersave governor, balance performance and for games where that's not enough, you can fiddle with the settings on a per-game basis ...or alternatively turn off powercontrols, and trust your system's defaults which isn't necessarily a bad choice either, depends on how much control you want to have over your settings
IndigoOP13mo ago
Thank You very much. Excellent explanation as in Your guides. One more question - should I use custom fan curve or disable it ( for windows setup I liked smart fan curves for default profiles but for custom 25-30 watts I tweaked it a bit making it not so aggressive as it was by default)? If enable it - any advice on good curve settings? Or maybe just enable it and leave it at default settings (but this one seems a bit hot for me)?
Aru13mo ago
so no real advice for fan curves beyond making sure you keep your device cool, the plugin imposes less restrictions than Lenovo does on Windows, but use that power wisely. but it's nice for being able to reduce fan noise for when you're game streaming or doing lightweight gaming you can also set fan curves per-game, so i'd say play around with whatever you're comfortable with
IndigoOP13mo ago
Ok, but as I understood I can leave it disabled - it won't effect anything?
Aru13mo ago
oh yeah, you can leave it off and it'll do nothing
IndigoOP13mo ago
Great! Much appreciated for Your patience and explanations.

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