please send me this art please and who is the author? does the author have a tumblr? art app similar to “X” (twitter)

8 Replies
o your pinged the big man
@Geniux Rip, nice knowing you :Spray_ThisIsFine:
well yeah :2_PeepoShrug: i guess it´s just flokies banner, so might as well ask him directly, since i doubt anyone knows the author from a custom made art piece :Pepethink: (+ reverse search the image didnt find anything, just flokies socials, since it recognized his avatar)
I just wanted to leave the Fade art to remember, no matter who hates it, I personally adore it both as an agent and as a character’s ENT
He hasn't responded :(
Yeah, I guess Flokie died or something
🪦 We will miss you :(