I’m hardstuck bronze and idk why
Every time I play comp I top frag in the game and yet my team like always looses. Is there anything I can do to rank up? Or is it just that the rank system sucks
30 Replies
maybe just take a short break for a couple hours

Oh yeah my computer runs Valorant automatically
Idk why
I shut down my computer and it runs
(must be the vanguard trojan everybody is talking about jk)
do you by any chance have a tracker link?
I have this tho

Valorant Tracker
ElliottPro0901#7069's Competitive Multiplayer Overview - Valorant T...
View ElliottPro0901#7069's Valorant overview statistics and how they perform.
so, not to judge you, but it appears you dont topfrag every single round you play

also 12.9% headshot rate might be a little low - maybe try to focus on improving your aim / if you spray a lot, try to not do this as much
I got a question

What does the 5th mean
ur 5th place overall in the match.
the rank system sucks but maybe try getting a duo if you don’t have one? Iron/bronze is really easy to get out of with a duo.
I got out of iron in 1 week and got out of bronze in 3.
u just gotta try to improve a lot with warmups and just try to find mistakes u make and fix them
Ok so maybe I was lying
maybe maybe
I want YouTube bronze lobbies
So bad
Bro I was doing so good this match

another lie
thats crazy
2/13 si not good
it seems you have your best matches with breach
maybe you should stick to one agent
im a sage main
battle sage fr
It’s a joke 🤦♂️
i was lying....


Stats don’t usually tell the full story but 13% headshot is really low. Fastest way to get out of bronze is to practice mechanics with aiming for headshots and not insta crouching in gunfights.
I should see my teammates hs %
that was very helpful