VALORANT13mo ago

Ping has increased by a lot on only one server out of the 2 I play in...

I play on Bahrain and Dubai bc those are the only ones with ping below 150. Recently my ping on Bahrain shot up to 150-200 and Dubai is still the same. It wouldn't have been much of an issue if Dubai actually had players. Anyways...any help would be appreciated.
3 Replies
RayanOP13mo ago
But my friends still have the same ping as before that's what's weird and if it was a wifi problem, my ping on dubai would also have shot up alr ty I'll try it out rn this didn't affect it by much but atleast it went down by 10ms alr yea I realised that after the message alr so I got 31-33ms with one spike to 38 yep just that one alr btw I got a new router today...that didn't make a difference though why does valo update after I restart my laptop? weird tried this out..it's still the same I actually have no idea what happened this time @Overdrive sorry for the ping but from what I've seen...you know your IT stuff. So do you think port forwarding can fix my problem? and if yes then how do I setup a range for the internal and external ports when my router settings don't give an option for ranges alr ty
Zen._.13mo ago
Update: I kinda found a workaround. Try using Cloudlfare’s Warp+ tunneling. Seems to bring back my normal ping, or rather I’d say, fix the routing
Nem13mo ago
oh yeah dang i have the same issue, its unplayable sometimes just a question, whats your isp..?

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