58 Replies
did u even send them actual proofs?
they recover accounts super fast and easily
u gave them shit proof
@big rat monster @mythea idk how my proof is shit when I sent all the
Previous IGN / emails / passwords / receipts (10+) / first game ever / first agent / my 2 credit cards used on the account / exact reason why my account was suspended for a month (chat logs + it was 3 months ago)
My Gankster account is linked to my discord which is also linked to my Valorant account.
I've also showed them my phone # linked to the account + billing statements to prove it's my phone #
Not only did they get transaction #'s they got sent screenshots of the receipts from email + bank
no need to write that long kind of shit, some info like some receipts, first email, account login name(different than ign), birthday is enough
if u meant they haven't replied yet
u need to wait
u can just use this form lol
If you have forgotten your login credentials or your account has been compromised, you can try to recover your account by heading to the link below. Permanently banned or deleted accounts cannot be retrieved.
Account Recovery: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046229573-Recover-Your-Account
I've done that...
Do you want to voice call? I can show you all the proof
Like no joke I am being trolled by riot...
they won't recover ur account if ur account was compromised too many times too
Its the first time
what did they reply to u
reply to them
under that ticket
I've made
10 tickets maybe?
u don't need to spam tickets

u can reply under existing one

They said "show me ur # to verify the acc matches"

I show them my phone # matching
They say "not enough evidence"
just provide what they wanted?
Can we Vc?
I'll show you
Like no joke I have..
Maybe I'm missing something you can help me
no, I can't recover ur account, only them
I know
But I need more insight
and generally
Because everyone I've shown
Agreed I've shown so so much
the first is more important
like first payment
first email
I showed that too
First email too
did u change ur phone?
I even showed them the email I received when I changed my email
maybe u made the payment with ur old phone
Same phone #
My first purchase was Undercity phantom
I refunded it for VP
And bough cryostasis vandal
Then bought oni 2.0 bundle
And reaver karambit
I also have Undercity phantom favorited but don't own it anymore
Trust me I've shown them proof
ur first or last payment receipt?
do u have that
I have all of it
I showed them every receipt
And every transaction #
time, vp amount, payment method, platform
not only Trans id
@mythea come Vc
I'll go through it again
And show you
I have to resubmit a ticket

If you have forgotten your login credentials or your account has been compromised, you can try to recover your account by heading to the link below. Permanently banned or deleted accounts cannot be retrieved.
Account Recovery: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046229573-Recover-Your-Account
use this form
tried that
the automated account recovery
third one
u sure?
we can vc rn
im not kidding
i ask them what im missing
but its a breach of privacy they say
just provide complete info
i did
i did
i swear i did
i gave them 12/16 digits of my credit cards
ok wtf
generally u only need to give them the last 8 numbers
yea but it still isnt enough they say
@mythea5 mins of ur time
do u still have access to the registration email?
it wont be long
the registration email was put in wrong by accident
but i never verified it
then when i was gonna spend $ on the acc
i verified it with my personal email

back and forth non stop
Feb 14th email change was to show them that whenever you change the email to your acc you get sent an email to ur previous email
yet my acc never got an email sent
so jf you want to recover the account you need the dob on the account first agent unlocked first email of the account first gun upgraded first thing bought the credit card number transaction details
also use the orignal email while recovering
your account got pulled
it didnt get hacked
this happens when your passwords gets out in the public and people try to contact support and tell them the account has been hacked they act as the owner of the account
and btw there is a chance they wont recover it
the people change the dob and the username of accounts after they gain access
I recovered another acc to test the dob theory, went past it fine..
They change the email to the acc as well?
You could possible make tickets until a Good Responsible Riot Employee Replies to your Ticket As many of them dont check into the matter as some do.
Can we vc?
so i can screenshare what i have
Just lmk when you have time