I keep having this problem and I keep looking up tutorials and none help! Please help me I want to play val so bad..

33 Replies
Someone help me
I keep having this problem and I am desprate
Ping me when someone can help
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
let me see
Restart Computer
Press Del (Delete) key while booting to get into BIOS
Make sure it's in Advanced Mode (If it's in Easy Mode press F2)
Go to "Boot" tab at the top
Scroll down to "CSM Support"... click and make it DISABLED
"Secure Boot" will then appear below it...
Click on "Secure Boot" - change Secure boot to enabled
Press OK to message
Press F10 - click Yes to save and exit
brb soon!
Almost done
On my phone and starting to log on to val
Checking it out
It let me on and then it said VAN 9003 again
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
I thought I did already
I need to check if secure boot is enabled or not
it says off

but I enabled it
in bios
Please go back to where you enabled it and sent me a photo on your phone
On my phone
Pc is going to bios now.
It will not let me send photos
Let me do it in your dms
Right click this message, apps, mark solution
i have the same errpr
think i could get help also?
Open your own post

oh nvm
is that mean i can't play? cuz my laptop not support?

show full screenshot
open ur own post
Fixing this issue in a cyber sucks so bad
I can help you
What motherboard do you use
What company is it
You should be able to enable in from bios
On asus its
For advanced mode
Then go to boot
And you'll find it
No one is having a problem here
Oh fixed?
Sorry I forgot to mark this as solved
Like can he access valorant now?
Heloo can sobady pls help me for valorant i have this

Make your own post please