Secure boot verification failure
I just had the tpm 2.0 error all day and finally fixed it and now im getting the secure boot error. If I do msinfo32 it says that secure boot is on and in bios it says its enabled and I still get this error. Idk what to do at this point.

50 Replies

Go back into bios and make sure CSM support is off
Go back into the bios and clear your keys 🔐
do you know where in bios that csm support would be
The same place secure boot is located usually
Ok thanks im going to try that now
i am in bios now and i cannot find csm support anywhere

Create a post and ping me pls 🥺
Update your bios :D @gram

I’m trying to do that now
but when i get to here
it won’t load anything it shows that it is in the flash drive but won’t actually let me update it
What's on the flash drive?
the bios update that i got from msi website
it loads into the drive on my desktop with the 2 files but when i get to here it turns into whatever this is

Remove the 7a37v1x file
should i try to go into flash mode again?
without it
i’m in flash mode rn and it’s the exact same thing
will not run the file
Press enter when the file is selected
same result as if i was clicking it
You sure you have the correct file?
for the correct motherboard
Yeah, and i downloaded the bios software from the website
i’m not sure if i did something wrong when like extracting it or something
What motherboard do you have?
B350M Mortar
Not possible
That is an amd motherboard
What do you mean
B350M Mortar isnt your motherboard
I might be wrong then
it’s my brother who told me so i just assumed
Where can i check
Download a program called "hardware info"
For some reason msinfo32 isnt giving the motherboard numbers

This one?
you want a full sc of what it is showing
please :D

It's also not showing the motherboard
i saw that when i was looking for what to install
thats why i was going off my brothers word
msi . com/Motherboard/Z390-A-PRO/support
This is your motherboard ^
so i was just completly wrong
how did you find out what it was
My eyes :D
Look at your ss
top left
MSI ms-7b98
oh shit lmaoooo
thank you for the help
I also have this
idk how to fix it
Open your own post please
just loaded into val that full worked thank you bro
Please right click this message, apps, mark solution
what did u do?
just upgrade to your latest bios version
then what u just restarted and opened valo?
been almost a month of me getting this error id rather get banned than get this goofyy ahh error bruh