104 Replies
In order to get Vanguard, VALORANT’s anti-cheat, to work on your computer you most enable secure boot and TPM 2.0. Here are some resources that will assist you in the process:
VALORANT Support on Van 9001 & 9003: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/10088435639571-Troubleshooting-the-VAN9001-or-VAN-9003-Error-on-Windows-11-VALORANT
Microsoft Support on Secure Boot: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-11-and-secure-boot-a8ff1202-c0d9-42f5-940f-843abef64fad
Microsoft Support on TPM 2.0: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/enable-tpm-2-0-on-your-pc-1fd5a332-360d-4f46-a1e7-ae6b0c90645c
Hello! Can you do:
Windows key + r than type tpm.msc
Windows key + r than type msinfo32
Show us a screenshot of both
this ?

@Nix (They/Them)
Give me a second I don't know French
yes sorry
reinstall valorant and if you in win11 then do win key + r and type msinfo32
dont change
Hello! So! To enter your PC bios, you'll need to spam press the "del" key on startup
yes but what do I need to spam?
The 'del' key
Once in the Bios, you will need to find a tab labeled 'bios' or 'boot'
These tabs should contain the secure boot option and CSM support.
first, disable CSM
second, enable secure boot
Once finished, save and exit
here ?

No, power down your PC and then turn it on following these steps above
I've turned it off but where do I go
May I see what you see?
where ?
* Turn off your PC
* Turn it back on
* Spam press the "del" key
* It should launch into the Bios and not windows
* In bios, look for the 'boot' tab or 'bios' tab.
* In these areas, you should see 'secure boot' and 'CSM support'
* Disable CSM
* Enable Secure boot
* Save and Exit
You can use your phone to show me what you see in Bios if you are confused

Click 'boot'
I click

Disable Support CSM
My brother did I just see xmp being off

@🜲・Lyss I don't know french but can you find something that says secure boot

disable csm first
Yes i know
They did
More like enable xmp first :val_KekwSob:
Its donne
Done *
I am on secure boot
Disabled ?
If it is disabled, enable it
Its enable
Now save and exit
How save ?
f10 usually
or click the x in the top right
Okay Its done
it will ask you to confirm current changes
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
Okay Its on French Its grave ?
Then the gigabyte bios pull the funny and make it enabled but not active
Yeah that's fine

back to the bios :D
Who could’ve predicted this outcome
Disactive :sobbing:
or open cmd as admin
shutdown.exe -t 0 -r -fw

Not running as admin

If you finna do this goofy stuff just have him start from bios in the windows settings tbh
Yes good
I said or :SadgeCry:
Enter this "shutdown.exe -t 0 -r -fw"

Follow this ^
I truc again ?
The manipulation ?
or no ?
Shutdown.exe go hard

its this ?
Just go back to your bios
Lmao wtf
Im on bios
Go to where you enabled secure boot and send me a photo of it

Next étape
Bro ?
Can someone help me. Valorant isn’t launching

Make your own post
Press restore factory keys
Were i Go ?

Did you do this?
On this image were i Go for restore factory keys

Its in red for you
I am blocked here

Go back to where you enable secure boot
and then follow the photo I sent
I dont found
I found

I cant press restore factory keys
Set mode from standard to custom
I press ?

Press ok
Black screen
I m on
Do this
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
Try valorant

I rej
I can play
I love you