mismatch error
so basically i have a freind in malaysia and im from uk and we both have the same patch but it says theres a mismatch error even though we both got the same version any idea on how to fix it?
14 Replies
Task manager -> End Riot and Valorant processes -> Relaunch Riot
i alr tried it
i even deleted valorant and reinstalled it but its the same issue
aren’t you both on different regions then?
If your friend is on an apac account he can’t join you on eu
whats an apac account
oh ok is there any way to change that?
Asia-pacific region
You can request region changes from one to the other but only once per month
oh ok
how do i do that
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
Not entirely sure if they will let you switch to play with other people but it’s up to you if you want to try, region changes are typically for people who have moved to a different region
which region should i change to
You would change to APAC or your friend would change to EU
ok thank
They do, it says so in the change region article
If you have the wrong region listed on your Riot account, you can use the link below to change it. This might fix any unnecessary latency or currency issues you might be experiencing.
Change your region:
Your Region of Residence is the geographical area you live in, and it decides which servers you play on, which payment options you have available to you, and who you can play with. What about not being able to queue up with your friends?
ah ok thanks just submitted a ticket