Reflect.get gets called on a non-object using Drizzle orm

This is related to this github issue: I'm using Drizzle ORM with planetscale. I get this error: Reflect.get called on non-object From the issue I couldn't find any workarounds to fix this. - Route: - Deployment ID: dad13387-208c-4f87-b49c-4b1d6418dc0d - Account ID: 682d5093ec42cfbead37967a5e17dd8a - Error: (error) TypeError: Reflect.get called on non-object
message: Reflect.get called on non-object on Drizzle ORM · Issue #4...
next-on-pages environment related information message: Reflect.get called on non-object Description message: Reflect.get called on non-object Calling any drizzle methods which need table schema is ...
4 Replies
James13mo ago
it's a runtime issue with the ALS context being lost in custom thenables.
🐛 Bug Report — Runtime APIs: The AsyncContext of AsynLocalStorages ...
If I define a custom thenable and try to access the store of an AsyncLocalStorage in the then method, the store seems to be undefined although it shouldn't be. Basically: import { AsyncLocalSto...
maitreyaOP13mo ago
any timelines on when this can be fixed or any temporary workarounds? we are currently in the process of migrating from vercel and this is the only blocker.
James13mo ago
Well, he wrote in that issue that he was working on a v8 patch for it, so I would suggest asking him on that issue
maitreyaOP13mo ago
thanks! will follow the issue.

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