Adding volume to skirts
How do you add volume to skirts so they look like in the picture and don't fall straight down? All I could find was like "use petticoats" but it seems that that's a very visible solution. I want it to be invisible like in this picture I found on Pinterest.

9 Replies
i believe the volume is largely due to fabric choice and the orginal seaming
easiest thing imo is searching for circle skirts; they have the extra volume and support built in
if you're mending it and you have a lot of extra fabric you could maybe (?) add pleats but how much impact that will have i don't know
Petticoats are supposed to be visible though finding one that short would be difficult. It looks like that skirt might be a tennis skirt which have pleats so they flair out a lot. It also helps to wear them like high waisted so they're like cinched at your waist but flair out over your hips.
You can totally find tiny petticoats or black thick but not too fluffy ones. It does kinda look like theyre wearing one here
Seconding other comments that the volume comes from the skirt itself. You might look for skater, circle, or tennis skirts, and choose options that sit at your natural waist to get the fuller effect you’re looking for. Also consider the fabric when you look for skirts – fabrics with more body will hold their shape better and give you the volume you’re looking for.
Do you have any photos of skirts you own that you’d want to be fuller? Might be helpful to make suggestions based on specific garments!
thank you everyone, that was definitely helpful. I will keep those comments in mind.
Don't have any yet, I'm figuring out what I want specifically and this question was part of that process
This point is a really big one
As a tall man
I find skirts difficult
Due to length not working out very well
Wearing at your natural waist if youre tall will give you the most feminine sillhouette, but might restrict your options
Wearing lower on your hips will not accentuate them as much (not an inherently good or bad thing)
And as has been said, stop them flaring out as much
Thanks again for the advice @zeometer @SushiAndDonuts @Touriggles @{} and @Bagel/Halo . I did get a skater skirt and tried it out just now, I love it

Would love some advice on how to modify waist and hip depth