tpm 2.0 needed but I am on windows 10 and I dont have the hardware
val was working before, but one week ago i received this notification when i launched valorant and since then I cant play val. I submitted a ticket already but they havent reply me

80 Replies
win+r, msinfo32
show full screenshot
its in chinese though sorry

I believe ur pc supports tpm 2.0?
boot into bios
easy way
run cmd as admin
shutdown /r /fw /t 0
isit this

I didn't know the shutdown command could boot you into bios :petri: the more you know :ded:
only uefi tho
is there only one main tab
is ur bios version the latest?
i not sure if its latest
how to check
ur manufacturers site
there's some measures u need to do while updating bios
I believe they did note them
on their site
follow instructions
Still good to know! :glow:
ok i try
bios is up to date

then they either hide it
or didn't even give a way to toggle it
search on the internet
if u can open some hidden menu
if u can't
then the only way is to mod the bios lol
what do you mean by mod the bios?
ignore, u will struggle too much for that
official webstie says that it should show on the bios if it has tpm or notbut for some reason mine doesn’t. anyways im pretty sure it doesnt cause when i try tpm.msc it shows this also

the bios won't the operating system if tpm exists or not
it will just tell enabled or disabled
ye but mine just doesnt show anything im not sure why
it showed u
it's off
means that i have tpm?
there's not a toggle in ur bios
it should does
I've seen some dudes with msi laptops
have the tpm settings hidden
my bios dont even have the tpm section
oh then how did he unhide it
depending on manufacturers
the way to unlock it is different
key combinations
search on google
or ask huawei support
but the official site says that if it shows that compatible tpm cannot be found means no tpm on computer

thats wrong
lol actually huawei is that bad?
I didn't know
eh idk huawei computer is rly wierd
the os will only be able to identify if it's on or off
thats the first time I saw that weirdo bios layout tho
so what i contact huawei customer service?
@mythea I can't send the Support Article here but I think I found what you two are looking for, I sent a DM
thats the article he's reading rn ig
@Meer Meer
search for the way to unlock its hidden tab
ok i try calling huawei customer service
feel like thats faster
i doubt they will tell u the way to unlock hidden shit in ur bios
why though
they don't want u to fuck up something
or get something better than they want u to pay for
well it depends
fuck the customer service is not working tdy
but I haven't seen manufacturers or their employees telling people how to unlock or unhide those hidden services officially
I can't find anything, Only an inactive message board about someone complaining about how they can't access the "advanced" menu
ppl online can all excess that section idk why its js me
i think mine doesnt have tpm 2.0
ye it doesnt
i searched on the official site
i have the same error
@Meer Meer
yeh i think recently quite abit of it people facing this error
did you get it fixed?
na still aint working
@Meer Meer i contacted them
but they said no eta
they sent the ticket to technical support
it will take weeks or months ill guess for me
ye i contact them oso alr they keep telling me js to wait
what fixed
is this issue
its not fixed
riot havent replied
yeah thats what i thought
that guy said its fixd
@Meer Meer same they said that wait 2-3 days
till the team replies
i think his asking if it is fixed
i waited a week alr
i havent get any replies
honestly riot is js not responsive
oh yea
he put / instead of ?
he didnt press shift
they even said that the ticket might be disregarded to me
idk what they up to
for real
idk what ill do if they dont respond
i have so much money spent on my acc
riot is js irresponsible sometimes
Vanguard doing april fools
isnt even april
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
uhh anyone can help me its still not working
riot cs keeps telling me to wait
riot shmucks
i just left hope for my account
made a new one
bought few skins
What erro were u getting?
And ur cpu doesn't support tpm 2.0?
i dont have tpm 2.0
What cpu do u have?
i7 2600
really old
tpm 2.0 starts from the 8th gen
Hm yeah
the cs still asking me to wait
it has been almost a month already
wait it works for u when u make a new acc?
cause it doesnt for me tho
customer service
They haven't given u a reply from the last 14 days?
Is ur ticket even active?
ill text them every week and they js keep telling me to wait patiently
last time i responded was two days ago
they js said they hvnt get update from technician yet and told me to wait