Error when installing requirements of git:
OSError: [Errno 23] Too many open files in system
How can i fix??16 Replies
gpu cloud? you cant raise that, the limit is set based on # of vcpu with the gpu pod
cpu cloud
same thing applies?
trying to install 50gb model on 700gb disk
oh cpu cloud you can raise that yourself, the container gets root access
with ulimit -n # ?
try that, ill have to test
i did but still issues
will keep tryign
what are you running in it?
elaborate plz
whats causing the limit to occur, what kind of program
python installation file from github repo
but i was also running into simialr issues when installing requirements.txt
had to run it a few times to fully download all the modules
i was in a venv and tried to raise it from there, let me try to raise it outside too
ulimit -n 1000000 seems to be hard limit
but should be sufficient if it is actually raised
check soft and hard limits
the cpu pods let me use ulimit without issues
yeah i did that
but it wasnt applying for some reason i think
im testing it rn, downloading 25gb
ulimit -u as well
how are you downloading? i can test it if its simple command
you have more elevated permissions with cpu pods than gpu pods so all this should be possible
just python3 pip install -r requirements.txt on any big repo
try to install something really big -- will reproduce my issue
ddoesnt matter how
same issue still
can you share your requirements