how to set up ssh
I recently started using zero trust tunnels
Now i saw this option can any one give me a guide?

18 Replies
Cloudflare Docs
SSH · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
The Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) enables users to remotely access devices through the command line. With Cloudflare Zero Trust, you can make your SSH …
mine is local host it closed nat type
That’s what tunnels are for. They make the connection between Cloudflare and your server
said GCP so i though okay let me try
GCP is just their example from scratch. You can skip those steps
huh i started from there 🙂
not working 😦
What is your tunnel config?
ok can you bake down number 3?

host and proxy command
You’d add those lines to your ssh config on the client. If you want to test without that then use use “cloudflared access ssh <public hostname>”

like at it is?
I believe ProxyCommand needs to be spaced over but yeah that is correct on your client
did that still not working
What errors are you seeing when you try?
like you know nothing shows up on the that link
So cloudflared given an error message?