high ping, no reason.
I need help. Yesterday I played valorant with friends while using discord. The game really started to ping me. The tab menu keeps showing a normal ping of 25-30, but in the top right corner I get a network problem every minute. I never had this problem before. I read that this can happen with discord. I tried the game today without discord running on the computer, but the same error as yesterday. My ping is unreasonably high. What should I do?
130 Replies
Thanks for the answers!
Did you use the discord web browser, or the discord app
Discord app
And is it solely valorant or other games
Cause for me, i had it when I used the web browser version, but if thats not it idk
only the valorant.
I'm going to reinstall the game and see how it goes.
I will report if it has not changed.
are u using qos priority packets
anyway try these first
run cmd as admin,
netsh int ip reset
netsh winsock reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
then restart ur pc
I don't understand these things. Are you sure this will catch the error?
if u are unsure what they do
u can check the help command
Netherlands help winsock
wtf auto correct
netsh help winsock
or netsh winsock help
I don't remember
but it's like that
should I use all of what you have written here?
or just enough for example the first one.
five of them
nothing new
i used all commands but nothing happend
did u restart
& change ur dns
if problem persists, it's likely ur router, fibre cable, or even on ur isp end
just contact ur isp
if persists
I think this is a joke. I tested my internet, in all other games my ping is perfect, only in valorant it's the process of jumping from 20 to 150 etc. I implemented the ideas people posted here, but nothing changed. The very most that has changed is that it doesn't ping continuously, but every two minutes.
I've already deleted and reinstalled valorant, but that didn't help either.
I don't run any other application besides valorant, and that's it.
what games have u tested
like cs2?
it's more noticeable in fps games
especially 128 tick
Not on cs2, but on various sites and on games that are not optimized at all or are very poorly optimized, like The Isle. But if my ping is good in a badly optimized game, why is it bad in a well optimized game?
and I'll say it again. I have been playing the game for 1 week and this error started before yesterday.
try fps games
is that game even online, I searched it and it's some dinosaurs game
Apex, ow, cs2, etc
Okay, im installing cs2 now, and i try
I dont have ping problem in cs2 either.
looks like only just in valorant
anyone in ur lobbies having the same problem?
if not, then ur issue is personal
contact ur isp and ask if they're having any issues with val servers
In valorant, there is a network buffering option. Should I set something there? There are 3 options, minimum, moderate, maximum
also check on what servers you play
i would have 150 ping on NA too, or on some server like dubai
but i have 20 on frankfurt
i play frankfurt only
In the task manager, I noticed that vanguard uses the network very high, while valorant uses it high. Does this make a difference?

this is my taskmanager
can u send screenshot of urs
what is the server with the lowest ping
that u can pick
in ur valorant?
for me its warsaw/frankfurt
i play frankfurt only
frankfurt is the best for me
i send my taskmanager, wait
can i see what ping u have on other servers
The problem is not with the servers. I've found that frankfurt has the best, and the game tells me to use frankfurt because I have a stable 20 ping. As soon as a match starts on the server in frankfurt, I have a stable ping of 20-30, then it suddenly jumps up to 150, 200. And that lasts about half a minute and then it's good again. And it bounces the whole match.
now my task manager describes valorant as very high energy and vanguard as variable, moderate and low. But I'm not in the game right now, just in the lobby.
intended and literally no one cares that stats, it's inaccurate and makes no senses
ipconfig /flushdns
in cmd
Done, What should I see? It says I have successfully executed
run the game
and see
also, is ur router overheating?
if it is, it might be thermal throttling which decreases performance
It doesn't overheat, and if it was a router problem, it would affect other games, not just valorant
val is 128 tick
Bro, stupid queston, but, packet loss = ping? Or what
but too high pings can also be counted as packet losses
by some games
since they're lated packets
which weren't received in time
are u having high ping or packet losses
In 30 minutes later I can check if my ping is good in deathmatch. Now I'm in custom game, here the packet loss is 0-3%, and the ping is stable at 20-30. So no problem here
High ping
Yes, it very rarely goes up that much. But average 0%
also in cs2, did u toggle the network stats
might not be so noticeable if u didn't toggle
periodically or randomly
eh actually I have a better way to measure
if ur network is really having problems
in cmd,
ping -t
wait for few minutes, then ctrl+c
Play the game while doing it if possible and cross reference when you get packet loss in game and see if you get any in cmd around the same time
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=8ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=45ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=56
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 62, Received = 62, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 8ms, Maximum = 45ms, Average = 10ms
I got this while I was playing in valorant
Were you getting packet loss in game during this?
no, no problem right now, but it's a custom game, I can test it in 20 minutes later in deathmatch for example
14 mins*
i playing deathmatch mode
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 92, Received = 92, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 8ms, Maximum = 194ms, Average = 15ms
I have ping problems again
what is this option?

Basically it changes how many updates you get from the server, lower value means more updates.
The thing it’s used for is to reduce packet loss as sending less information means less information is lost and thus a smoother experience.
oh ok. I sent you the ping stats during a deathmatch, you can see that it goes up to 150 sometimes.
So your problem is with ping spikes and not packet loss then?
yes yes.
Is this a specific scenario? i.e does it only happen in valorant, during certain times, etc
I have tried everything that has been written. It was good for 1 competitive game, then bad again. What do you think? VPN would help with this? for example CyberGhost VPN
this problem is only in Valorant
VPNs are only better if your ISP is complete bonkers or you live in a restricted country
are you on asia
nope, Hungary, Europe
I've got the same issue here as well
on asia
I think maybe there's a problem with the game rn
10 - 25 ping
sudden spike to 300 - 500
restart helps
but only for a brief period of time
yeah same.
This is a new issue only just occurring?
this is
Eu should not lag if Asia is
They are very different servers
we've never had this kind of issue
I know
but an entire group of my friends in custom games
Very low odds and you can’t create the correlation here sadly
experience it as well
I did also consider about the area being busy
but other software seems to be working fine
Listen, I've been playing the game for two weeks. It started last Thursday, when I was playing with friends in a party over a discord call. Before that there was no such problem, but since then it's been a constant problem even when I don't have any application running
Could be you are using the same server in game or your friends using the same provider, or network congestion etc
No we aren't using the same network
maybe the same isp
That is what provider is yes
I kinda wanna run tests
yes i know
I wanna run test to see
if discord is interfering
and other games that requires access to internet
yo have you tried other games
like maybe cs2
no such problem in other games
like cs2
well that marks that off the list i guess
since we're on different servers
I will also run a test with other games
maybe it's not a server thing
is this a possibility, or is it stupid?

maybe it's a client type thing that messes with the server or something
I'm using cloudfare for dns
i did use google's before
DNS can be the issue yes
But it doesn’t explain high ping on a singular platform
It would only explain high ping on every platform
im try this
Use and though
Google is pretty bad for most of Europe ping wise
that's cloudfare
I'm using that rn
ok i haven't had it on this new network
Will this change the whole router in the house, or just on my computer?
could it be a client thing messing with the data that is transferring from the client to the server
just the router
from your side
If you change it on your computer then it only affects the computer
if another device
that's a different thing
If you go to your routers settings in a web browser then you can change the router
But it’s not necessary here
me thinking about this
but packet loss didn't appear
i hope there's not like an attack on my isp
I think I'll run the tests later
use maximum here since u said u are having ping issues
it doesn't really help that much
but it's the best option we've got rn
ye, didn't u tried before, I mean I told u to do that before and u said u did
do mind that after switching to maximum buffer will make your movement from client pov slower than server movement
you did not write this specifically, or I did not understand it. But irrelevant because it didn't change anything in the game during deathmatch. Or does it require a computer restart?
from what i know
I don't think it requires a computer restart
It doesn’t require any restarts, no
He did mention it in passing though
i think the message was missed
got drowned in the sea of words after
it is important though
I can sense like some kind of pissed off vibes over here
before anything happens, just chill out
I'll come back to this thread tomorrow
Is someone typing for like 2 minutes or something?
I should point out that I have a laptop, not a desktop computer. I read about ethernet and stuff on the internet, but I don't know what it's for.
I can’t see those things on mobile I think
I dont speak perfect english, and I pay attention to the mistakes I make, so I don't write back right away.
hell nah
basically wired connection
Wasn’t intended as an insult, sorry if it was interpreted that way, was just responding to the “I can sense some pissed off vibes” comment
I'm currently trying this because all the feedback is positive, and several comments complained about the same operating system (windows 11) as I have. But I just don't want to get what the topic says.

if i have this, Should I type netsh wlan set autoconfig enabled=no interface="Wireless Network Connection" instead of netsh wlan set autoconfig enabled=no interface="Wi-Fi"?

Yeah that sounds right
I’m not sure how much this will impact it but it should be fine to run, we can fix it if it causes problems
it has not improved.
Anyway guys, I think I'll give up on this problem. I don't see any chance for it anymore, besides all the options you've written down or looked up on the internet. There is simply nothing that will fix it. I may have to put the game down for a while, better for everyone xd
thanks for all guys
sadly internet issues are the hardest to diagnose of them all, sorry I couldn't be of more help my guy
u can contact ur isp to ask on this issue
if they're currently having problems with the fibre cables to riot servers
A lot of people seem to have the same issue on different regions as well
There are tons of complaints on Reddit and Riot doesn’t seem to care
It appears to be a fault on their side
I used to have 15-20 ping , until from September 2023, I got no less than 30 ping apart from constant ping spikes
My ping averages around 40 atm
Sucks to play on high 40s when I’m so used to low 20s
Is this fixed?
Could you sum up the issue?
Update: I kinda found a workaround. Try using Cloudlfare’s Warp+ tunneling. Seems to bring back my normal ping, or rather I’d say, fix the routing
What is the cloudfares warp+? And how can i change
or where can i download this
cloudflare's site
this is?

yea its solved my problem
I played a full deathmatch, and nothing. Not once did it up my ping. I hope this wasn't just a one-off.
@Zen._. thank you
random question but is your mouses polling rate above 500?
if you have a gaming mouse with designated software it'll prob be a setting there that says "polling rate"
sometimes having it at 1000 or more could fuck up ur game
fps drop, lag, etc.
if it IS 1000 lower it to 500 and see if its gone
Happy to help
1000hz doesn’t take a lot of cpu resources
It’s not related to ping in the first place
Idk bro, how can i check
How can i check what is my mouse name? I know i have gaming mouse, but idk his name
Still maybe could be a lead problem
on the back of ur mouse
doesn't reallly matter
I don't know, I can't find any kind of software for my mouse. It's called Silver Line GM645.
I also have that problem how do I fix it
with the plain warp client was fine for me for 1 day. Warp + was recommended by a guy here, but the download link for it doesn't work for me on the page.
I would appreciate if someone could send me the warp+.
u need to pay for warp+
if I'm not mistaken
it's a subscription thing
how much u know?
a quick Google search told me it's 4.99 dollars a month
OK, thanks. In any case, I won't subscribe to it at the moment, as I don't know if it would help my situation. If plain warp couldn't do it, I doubt warp+ would do anything.
Warp + solves the issue
I use it
Same my guy same
I've just given up on it now
I just play whenever i can and midgame it changes to 150 ping and I'll just have to deal with it