"Cheater Detected in scrim?"
Ive got a question for anyone that can help.
Yesterday I had a collegiate scrimmage. We were playing against a team, bout 4-4 in the game and we get the "Cheater Detected" screen. He recieves a 3 minute suspension and is back in the game, the same thing happened at about 2-6 to the same person. Does anyone know any common reason this could happen?
39 Replies
Heres the ss if it helps at all lmao

maybe try to read what's on it
yes but he only recieved a 3 minute suspension
and we ran it back and he got it again, only for 3 minutes
the guy that was cheating?
if he was cheating, why's it so short
possibly someone who has the same network with u guys cheating
I dont know abt there network cause they are a different school
u guys share a same network right
but then wouldnt all of thier players have the penalty?
my team did, and i assume thiers did
those in a same network will
but the 2 are seperate
honestly I'm not sure
yeah it was only 1 player on thier team that got suspended
im just confused is all
oh yeah
I dont think he was cheating, it didnt seem like it. Just off putting is all, 2, 3 minute bans on the same person is off
all the guys that got 3 mins penalty were in a same party?
only 1 person got the penalty
those in a same party with cheater will also get punished ig
and it was the same guy twice
we were all on the same party
so actually
who was cheating
ur team?
Tz jayz on the opposing team
or something like that
and only jayz got penalised twice
the rest didnt
who's jay
Here I will retype the intro with more info
ur opponent?
one of the players
ok so who's in who's college, and who's in a different college
BSC and TZ setup an online scrimmage between the 2 college.
Tz Jayz (one of the opponents) triggered the Cheater Detected notification in our scrimage twice, only he recieved a 3 minute suspension both times before we ended it due to time reasons.
BSC Tech7 and BSC Immortal Pookie are at the college, the other 3 BSC players are at home.
The location of the TZ players was unknown.
so tz is ur opponent
and tz players were cheating
Yes TZ is the team name, and Tz Jayz triggered the cheater detected
the other TZ players were not punished
and both teams were in the same party for the scrim
u guys hosted it in a custom game right
possibly that's why he only got 3 minutes penalty
did u guys report him?
and did he receive longer or perma penalty
after this
no we didnt because we didn't actually believe he was cheating
after our short VOD review (like we do in all scrimmages) found no examples of it
No heavy stacking sites, no early rotates, no weird aim
but i'd make a ticket to riot
telling them if u got cheating penalties in custom games, it'll be only 3 mins
this is extremely exploitable for actual cheaters
alrighty ig, I'll do that, if someone else knows though, feel free to join the convo, I'll take whatever info yall got
Where would i go for that?
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
there, that link