Unknown Gmail

general so I went on a website and thought it was legit and I really fell for it as it used all the Valorant credentials like their ToS and copyright meassurements and I thought it was legit and next thing I know i needed a 6 digit code from a unknown gmail to access my riotaccount but I can still access all other things like my valo account, I can find a ticket for this kind of problem.
3 Replies
mythea13mo ago
if u didn't give out the 2fa code then ur safe change ur password
VANGUARD13mo ago
If you have forgotten your login credentials or your account has been compromised, you can try to recover your account by heading to the link below. Permanently banned or deleted accounts cannot be retrieved. Account Recovery: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046229573-Recover-Your-Account
Saucywan13mo ago

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