why am I not receiving my bonus valorant points?
I’m 25 vps short of the reaver guardian that’s in my store rn, this is the second time that I haven’t received the “bonus” vps that ur supposed to get in the packages. I bought the $9.99 package, meaning I should’ve gotten +50 (1,050). If I contact support I won’t receive a response in time to get the specific skin I’ve been waiting for
16 Replies
buy more :D
If only!
Okay, so you only received 1000 right?
it’s 950
with a 50 bonus
which is 1000
: )
Ohmygod thank you so much
Feelin a little dumb but I appreciate it 🙏
if you need 25 VP you can send a artwork to riot they’ll give you about 25
but won’t get it in time
so you’ll need to buy me vp if you really want that skin 👍
Yeahhhh I considered that bc I’m an artist but it’ll be gone by the time they see it
To be honest, I don't read half of that
Its to long
My brain
I was gonna send that sticker
but I realized I didn’t have it
🧠 💥
^^ 10/10