Cloudflare log in issues and Zone files

Hi team! My name is lauren and i am the admin for my partners company. We have made a new website and our DNS is currently through cloudflare. He doesnt have the log in details for this and any acc we use to try and recover this is not working. We need to get the zone files so i can trf these to another site. Can anyone give some guidance on how we can get the zone files even though we just cant seem to log in?
1 Reply
Chaika•13mo ago
Hey 👋 There's no way to get them for export without logging in. Especially because Cloudflare has a proxy feature, which most people have enabled, which would hide your Origin IPs entirely. You'd need to either recover the account or recreate from scratch
These links may help, but they only work when logged out  If you know the email: If you know the email and have 2FA issues: If you don’t know the email:

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