Hello! As part of Cadence 1.0, we are
Hello! As part of Cadence 1.0, we are updating all the transactions that are used by the ledger hardware wallet to be compatible with Cadence 1.0 as well as making some changes to the list of transactions that are included.
The primary changes we are proposing are:
1. Removing deprecated locked tokens staking transactions.
2. Using generic FT and NFT transactions which will allow ledger users to hold and transfer any NFT or FT type that they want.
If you are a ledger user, you don't need to read this, but if you are a developer who is working on an app or wallet that uses ledger transactions, please read this to make sure you understand the changes and are on board with them!
2 Replies
@bluesign I was told that you are doing something with ledger so I wanted to see if you have any thoughts on this
Unknown User•13mo ago
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