TPM 2.0 restriction -> solved!
Sm help :,)

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53 Replies
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
Please press win + r. Then, enter tpm.msc. Then, send a photo of the app that opens

TPM is not supported on your device
So what does that mean :,)
It means no Valorant
It lets me play on diff accs
Like my Alt
That requirement is declared by Vanguard
Depending on your system
It could be required, or could not be
windows 10 doesn't require tpm to be available though
One of the factors Vanguard chooses is system vulnerability
only w11 does
Not entirely correct
for valorant it is
For this specific error, it is required
unless they literally changed it recently
It wasn’t a recent change
I believe it came out start of winter
November or something
and if it was an actual requirement then he wouldn't be able to boot the alts either
This error is decided by risk
or what is this supposed to be like a 10% rollout
One sec will I get the article explaining it
Should I just try to start it up again later ?

The latest look on our efforts to keep cheaters out of your games.
Basically, it explains that this error happens depending on different factors
And will add additional requirements to your account
The good thing about this is that you should be able to get it removed by contacting players support
Would it change if I sent a ticket through support?
Awesome okay okay I’ll try that then c:
Please use the link below to create a ticket
I'm almost 100% this error is because of core isolation after reading this
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
I wonder if I can test this my just screwing over my pc a little
That is part of VBS
It could be fixed by turning it on
But the thing is is that it was turned off by the user
Because you can’t just turn it off with a setting
on windows 10 yeah you can't its a bit more scuffed
but I just can't accept that TPM is the actual issue here
I am quite literally on the oldest allowed windows version with secure boot and tpm both off
Now, secure boot, not being a requirement is very strange

idk man, works fine for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you got nothing suspect or strange connection no sus thirdparty they will ask for it
Big boy SECURE

idk how it became like that, probably cus its 3 images
I am on my phone's internet which has never been used for this account, in an apartment I've never played from on a new fresh computer running 2 hooks on the game with no windows defender, meltdown protection or anything
idk how unsecure you want the pc to be before they give me it
do I gotta boot up an autoclicker and play cookie clicker on the second monitor? xd
bro vanguard broke
hey any fixes on VAN 9008

cant update my windows for some reason
still stuck at 1909 w10
@Arii you just glitch vanguard dont ask
@23Awp Make your own post please
What should I say btw?
Just about the error, That's it
:PeepoClap: @bloo Restriction was lifted
Woohoo :Gekko_Wingman_Pat: