Wrong GPUs being assigned
I'm paying for the "7 x H100 80GB SXM5", but when I run nvidia-smi I get that there's actually 7 NVIDIA RTX A4000, a much inferior graphics card. What gives?
10 Replies
@flash-singh ^
whats the pod id?
I think he has it on the top left : mtl49u226mit2c
I've removed that server for now, looks like issue with config, can you please terminate it and deploy another
This is already the third attempt, should I try again?
or, should I use a different template?
try again, the same machine wont be given out
it was likely because you would terminate and get the same server
makes sense. Can I also get a refund for the time since it was the wrong GCs?
and thanks for the fast help! I'll make sure to always check the actual GCs present going forward
yep sure, lets make sure your next one is good, pm me and i can help with credits