Riot account causing game to crash
My girlfriend has been having an issue with her account for the past few weeks. When it started having issues on her end it displayed the following warning attached. We did all the following steps:
- Repair the game
- uninstalled Valo, Riot client, & Vanguard
- attempted bios repairs
None of the attempts worked
We ended up thinking that this was due to something corrupted on her PC.
That is until yesterday, with the new duos bundle being released she was hyped to get it. She allowed me to sign into her riot account from my PC to purchase it. Then my system began having the same issue. I found it odd since not even 5mins before I switched the account my game was running normally. I signed out of her account and back to mine, and the game ran normally. Resigned into her acvount, and yet again the game crashes with the same message.
One thing that bothers me is that this issue has been seen to be mainly an issue amongst windows11 users. Even though both our systems have been always running on windows10. Neither of us have upgraded to the new windows.
Last thing I should note. This issue causes the game to launch at a high resolution that it over extends into my second display. Forcing the game into windowed mode with alt+Enter command allows me to get to the setting to change the resolution. Yet, the game would still crash after 1-2mins of it running.

51 Replies
Search up yt for this
We have, it kept leading back to a hardware issue.
What version of windows 10 are you using?
Msinfo32 in window bar and screen
We are both on 64bit pro
Not that type of version, sorry for the confusement.
Type “winver” in the windows search bar and then send a screenshot or say the version it shows
I'll post that info soon. Currently not home to do so.
This isnt a bug
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
Please press win + r. Then, enter tpm.msc. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
^ Please do this
I will send an update on this once me or her do this. Hope this works

Let's turn on secure boot first
I did remove a few info. Just for protection
That's fine
We’ve attempted this through bios, and still causes the same issue. Both through her pc and my own
Secure boot isn't support because your bios is set to legacy mode
To fix this, we first need to check if windows is set to MBR or GPT
We know. We’ve done the conversion to uefi, at least on my own. Still causes the same failure
Press the windows key and search for “Create and format hard disk partitions”, The window “Disk Management” will open, Send a photo of it
Please do this still ^

Find the Disk 0 with basic below it and Right click it, Open properties, Click on the Volumes tab, Send a photo

Your using mbr
You need gpt
Press the windows key and search for “cmd”
Right click Command Prompt
Click “Run as administrator”
You should be able to now; type in this new window
mbr2gpt.exe /validate /disk:0 /allowFullOS

Enter the final command
mbr2gpt.exe /convert /disk:0 /allowFullOS
Conversion failed

How much free space do you have on that drive?
one sec
here right click the blue line with (C:)

free up about 200mb of space
She has 0 space to shrink. Attempted a disk cleanup, and still showing 0
Do apologize for late response. Focused on work while also communicating back and forth
Did she click on the right one?
She has to click the one with C:

I’ll double check with her
Yes, it was that one
I’m still not home to help her out. Once I am I’ll be able to update further. Make sure that the process was done properly.
we were able to successfully get it working

mbr2gpt.exe /convert /disk:0 /allowFullOS
You need 500mb of free unallocated space

alright, we are giving the game a try again
It wont work
after switching to uefi , sorry
Three settings need changing:
Bios mode: UEFI
Secure Boot: ON
again, tpm isnt supported soooo
question bro, how many of these issues do you resolve a day? cuz i seen you on other posts
about 15 a day
you were right
tpm still not supporting
but at least one warning went away

Update your bios
Turn on VBS
Update: after doing all the bios update and correct config. It's working without any issues
Thank you @Saucywan !
No problem