MiniflareCoreError [ERR_RUNTIME_FAILURE]

I have an error while starting the project with wrangler. It was working last year, after re-installing the wrangler module, it doesn't work. I tried to use the old version of wrangler, but it shows deprecated error. I am attaching screenshots of these two kinds of errors.
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8 Replies
leoOP12mo ago
Here is the second error screen with the wrangler old version.
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《 Sarge 》
《 Sarge 》12mo ago
That should get you past the problem at least, but I don't think it'll 'fix' the problem. this is for the new version of wrangler, I'm not sure of the older version, but try and stay away from that I'd suggest
leoOP12mo ago
Hi @Anthony Can you guide me to step by step, please? So, what is your suggestion?
《 Sarge 》
《 Sarge 》12mo ago
That is really odd, I said a lot more before that message. I said to go into the task manager of the windows OS, and remove all the instances of esbuild from you processes. It seems everytime you build the wrangler in a terminal, it starts another instance of the esbuilder. Which I believe is blocking the JSON file you're attempted to access. 1. Go into task manage 2. Delete all esbuild processes. 3. Scroll to the bottom of that same list in task manager and there is a workerrunner or something with a similar name (can't remember) there is only 1 or 2 of these tasks. Delete them 5. Rebuild in the terminal and it should all start up again. 6. optional, if you still have no luck, do 1-4 again, but this time delete the .wrangle folder. Then do 5 again. I had the same problem with doing a POC and that is what I noticed, because I was looking at the memory footprint when the problem started for me.
leoOP12mo ago
@Anthony Thank you for your patience. I installed the old version of wrangler. 3.15.0 Now, I have no error while running with this command. wrangler pages dev ./ But, if I open a browser, it shows
This site can't be reached refused to connect.
This site can't be reached refused to connect.
How can I solve this problem.
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leoOP12mo ago
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leoOP12mo ago
《 Sarge 》
《 Sarge 》12mo ago
have you tried to goto localhost:8788 instead of using an IP? The --local this is nothing to worry about. it's just warning you it'll not be required anymore, because before you had to add --local to the wrangler dev command to get things persisting locally. They worked out that wrangler is just used for local development gerenally, and no one really uses it for deployment and remote developement.

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