C#5mo ago

Desktop crossplatform application? How to approach it?

Hi, I recently made prototype for image processing application with WPF and will try to make it properly now but I want to be able to use it on Windows Linux and MacOS at the least. I don't think I know all the options but first I was considering either AvaloniaUI or something based on web frontends like react or angular.
My wpf app was using https://github.com/miroiu/nodify to implement node editor, it would be great if it worked or good alternative was available. Also it would be great if launching the app locally would be easy, I'm not considering deploying this to cloud as web application for now.
GitHub - miroiu/nodify: Highly performant and modular controls for ...
Highly performant and modular controls for node-based editors designed for data-binding and MVVM. - miroiu/nodify
17 Replies
Buddy5mo ago
Avalonia is solid, screw web.
Buddy5mo ago
Startup time of @AvaloniaUI app running natively compiled on macOS Apple Silicon using .NET 9 is 🔥
💬 11 🔁 15 ❤️ 113 👁️ 7.3K
Wiesław Šoltés (@wieslawsoltes)
Startup time of @AvaloniaUI app running natively compiled on macOS Apple Silicon using .NET 9 is 🔥
Buddy5mo ago
Avalonia however does worse when it comes to mobile and web, but incredibly fast on desktop. This exists for Avalonia https://github.com/wieslawsoltes/NodeEditor
BartShoot5mo ago
Yeah the only reason I was considering web is that it could work on mobile and web better but that could also be separate frontend as it would be more suited for cloud computing
Buddy5mo ago
If I had to do web I'd use Tauri as the rest has a ton of bloat. Tauri web apps use native webview and are incredibly tiny in binary size
Cristiaaannn5mo ago
Hi, I am very new here, I didn't even get to make a WPF app till now but I am thinking about MAUI, maybe there is a bridge to convert from WPF to MAUI
leowest5mo ago
there is no bridge for maui there is on for avalonia thou
leowest5mo ago
Avalonia XPF - A cross-platform WPF
Avalonia XPF is our cross-platform WPF! Take your apps to new platforms.
leowest5mo ago
also MAUI does not support linux
Buddy5mo ago
MAUI is shit, don't make the same mistake as other people have XPF is an option but it is for enterprise, so expect enterprise prices. They also charge per-platform
leowest5mo ago
it has a 30 days trial thou so I suppose if u can do it within 30 days ur safe not saying XPF is good or worth the price or anything as I never used it but it exists
Cristiaaannn5mo ago
Ruining my hopes here 😅 I am about to start learning it. Will be off topic to ask why do you say it is bad …
Buddy5mo ago
Bugs, bugs, and more bugs. Desktop is a third-class citizen Last time I tried MAUI this happened, and there's 3K issues split between a team of like 7 people.
Buddy5mo ago
Avalonia is far more stable in terms of UI bugs. Only problems with mobile and web are performance. For web it takes like 3 seconds for the site to load, and on Android it's not that performant but still stable enough to be usable. Oh and MAUI don't support Linux, nor below Windows 10 1809
leowest5mo ago
yeah already mentioned linux think that list issue has been resolved and MAUI has been doing a lot of work on mobile but doesn't change the fact it doesn't support linux and I would just rule it out over maintaining 2 separated code bases unless extremely necessary with no other options
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Unknown User5mo ago
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