`wrangler pages dev -- astro dev` fails to follow Astro redirects

Astro project with wrangler pages dev -- astro dev and default adapter fails to properly execute an Astro redirect return context.redirect("/login", 302) with [wrangler] Could not proxy request: TypeError: fetch failed. Deployed version works. Only dev fails. Astro runs on localhost:3000, and Wrangler on localhost:8788 Node 18.18.2
2 Replies
VarnaOP13mo ago
I assume, that CF is trying to proxy a 302 redirect, but instead of redirect Proxy fails on fetch.
return Response.redirect(url.toString(), 302)
return Response.redirect(url.toString(), 302)
[proxy]: 23:19:37 [302] POST /api/login 1049ms

✘ [ERROR] Error: Could not proxy request: TypeError: fetch failed

at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async #handleLoopbackCustomService
at async #handleLoopback

[wrangler:inf] POST /api/login 502 Bad Gateway (1129ms)
[proxy]: 23:19:37 [302] POST /api/login 1049ms

✘ [ERROR] Error: Could not proxy request: TypeError: fetch failed

at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async #handleLoopbackCustomService
at async #handleLoopback

[wrangler:inf] POST /api/login 502 Bad Gateway (1129ms)
_pear13mo ago
I've been seeing the same thing with sveltekit. Makes the dev mode very difficult to use.

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