my Valorant is bugged, I need help
I need help, Valorant does not recognize the monitor and the resolution does not appear, and there is a black border at the top and bottom, on the sides it does not appear

15 Replies
I’m pretty sure that says windowed fullscreen
Set to full screen
It's the same thing, I put it in the window to be able to take the photo, but it's the same black border at the top and bottom and no resolution appears, just the name custom resolution, and the monitor doesn't appear either
Change Windows resolution
Also, make sure you have your GPU drivers installed
oops bro, the resolution or the name of my monitor still doesn't appear in Valorant's video configuration and the black border continues at the top and bottom
the gpu drivers are updated
What is windows at?
I think you don't understand, Valorant does not recognize any resolution.
Open windows settings
go to display
show me the resolution you're using
dont use letterbox
yeah, dont use that
Ok thanks bro
In the dropdown, select the highest number
Should be 1920 x 1080
I'm sorry?
Thank you very much, I managed to fix it thanks to you