Initializing subdomain...
My workers are stuck at "Initializing subdomain...". How can I fix this ?
9 Replies
I can take a look tomorrow, what's your account ID?
Where can I get that
Got it: f5c917860bdba513d69226ab2bd0fad9
I tried changing the subdomain multiple time, no luck
!remind 12h Check out
:zep_check: I will remind you in 12 hours at Feb 15, 2024 at 14:41 UTC
Is there any change anything will change tonight or should I go to sleep ?
It could magically work but I doubt it if it's been in this state for more than like 15 minutes
So I'd say sleep and I can check tomorrow
Reminder for @Walshy | Deploying: Check out
Set <t:1707964871:R>
Looks like you're all good now, was active 2024-02-15 02:57:11 UTC