how to rankup in comp (hardstuck)
I am hardstuck iron 1 after an entire year of playing. Donot know how to get good ?
I understand that you need to buy vandal skins to get more kills so i am saving for the fishtank vandal which will hopefully improve my aim if i can buy it
136 Replies
youtube is your friend but
- mostly learn to straff, how to peek angle, crosshair, aim
- positionning when you make a kill you should be able to repositionning yourself,
- basic gamesense map knowledge, agent, commun angle
What.. is this satire 💀
You have not been playing a year if you don’t even know what the “fish tank” vandal is called and ur in iron ONE 😭
Blub blub go hard
I have played since A5S3... Thats a year
The fishtank vandal is what I call it because it has a fishtank (use your eyes)

There’s no way you’ve been playing actively and consistently for an entire year and stay in iron one- it took me 2 days to get out of both iron and bronze
How did you get silver in 2 days are u serious?
Play the game lol
I think I lost like 1-3 matches during those 2 days I played
It’s not that hard to get out of iron, maybe bronze I’d understand a little
If you’ve been playing for a year you gotta have a least more than a handful of game sense/map knowledge, etc.. that’s enough to get you out of iron
Literally all you gotta do to get out of iron is understand how the game works 😭
I have radiant aim and gamesense i think its the iron teammates holding me back
Who are you in this screenshot
Never teammates, never, at least not in iron. All it takes is turning on ur monitor to get out of iron- it’s literally for people who are either first touching a shooter game or new to the game in general
In 3daimtrainer i can get gold rank 🧐

If ur in iron you need to work on everything
And aim trainers are nothing like valorant
I play laptop so no need for a separate monitor but even with the screen on its difficult - as soon as I see someone I am already dead
if your trolling just go troll somewhere else :Brim_SeemsGood:
your movement are bad then
If you're not here to help with the query then no need to send messages
I plqy neon so i have the epic neon movement
I learned airstrafing and zipline jump
look the first message of the channel
cool but useless at your rank, learn basic movement
Ok understand 👍🏻
i dont think
do you have a gameplay to show us ? like some round not a movie frags
I cant record otherwise i go to 10 fps
But basically the second i peek i am dead
yeah its bad movement
I thought i learned jump peek
Wait but he said he couldn’t even see the person before he died?
@FlyawayNutria69 did you watch youtube guide ?
You jump at a 45 degree angle and go back
As soon as I see someone or as soon as i peek
we cant know if you use it welland at the right moment and jump peek isnt everything
Dont normally get shot in back unless they flanked
Could it be just like the worst lag possible maybe? 💀 if he’s on a laptop I wouldn’t be surprised
You shouldn’t be dying as soon as you peek in iron
im a plat without giving effort with ping spike at 2000
Maybe there are plats in my lobbies due to my high mmr?
So how does the 2000 ping treat ya xd
if you peak close to wall in walk look fair
treat me bad so i am on palworld for the moment
The irons I played against weren’t like- constant head tapping though, sometimes they would. But usually it was just body shots 😭
He can’t be getting 1 tapped every single time he peeks
Unless he’s shift walking
Which could be possible mayb
iron tend to not see true, saw many iron "im getting onetap, they are smurfing ! " when the guy shot 15 bullet but he didnt hear them xd
Oh yeah
💀 true
if you record with your gpu driver it should let you have more fps just take one round
I have shift walk lock
As in press shift once and stays shifted
So it could be peeking with shift?
if you use when peeking yeah
All my opponent are immortal smurfs istg
silver smurfing in iron can happen higher than that is either boosted people or boosting teamate but only in 5stack
Enemy jett is top fragging 19 3 1 and the top frag on my team has like 5
what is this satire 💀
19 isn’t even that impressive in iron
My feelings exactly
if he was smurfing it would be more 30 3 since iron is easy asf, almost no one is smurfing its just you are the worst of the game so for you everyone is stronger
i hope he is trolling or trying to make joke if not im gonna calls 991
im hardstuck iron 1 becuase of bad teammates, smurfs, no comms, hackers, afks, throwers, crypto throwers, toxic teamates, bad teammates
if i was in a team full of just myself i would be radiant becuase i have radiant aim and gamsense, its my teammates holding me back.
i watch pros play all the time and they look so lost, i could be better and destroy prime yay and tenz in vct, its just my teammates keeping me back in iron
i trough it was him saying this xD
i beat him to it
Iron one (with radiant skills!) vs Tenz
i would defeat prime yay, tenz, demon1, cryo, s0m, in a 1v5 easily
Ive seen tenz play does he have adhd or something he is opening the shop like evey second in buy phase + his screen is like 2cm from his face
I don't think I can beat him yet he seems to be actually quite good
I feel like if i had the fishtank vandal I can definitely reach iron 2 though since you get better aim
im out guys im not wasting time here
do you have dululu thinking that u have radiant aim and gamesense but in iron
Skins don’t help aim
No i literally have good aim and gamesense, i learnt how to tell what site it is because u can hear if you are close to the site, and if not it is the other site
This is satire
I swear kuronami has aimbot, when i get the kuronami skin I can get 5+ kills
This is satire
You can look on valorant tracker

:val_KekwSob: WHAT
Yeah but tracker score doesnt count for anything anyway
no one on earth can have -82 delta
you can literally only throw util every round and beat that
just randomly
What does the delta mean

difference in damage
so damage dealt minus damage taken
I’ve seen someone with negative dda but only by a little amount

How are u getting 999??? Does thsg mean you are immortal
i am radiant
im radiant
Coach him LMAOOO
so if ur also radiant
how come u cant be like me

slightly negative is fine for lower ranks since its basically 1kd realistically
Its because i have not skin
i dont have skin either
and i play on laptop with 20 fps
How your KD is so good??
becuase i am radiant
and you're not
Ok understand 👍🏻
Do i need a KD of above 0.4 to reach iron 2
smurfing in bronze with ~10% hs rate is kinda crazy
bro this is my main
i was hardstuck iron
Wait ur not radiant
and when my bad teammates stopped throwing
and i got bronze
i destroyed them
-82 damage
Ok buddy 😭
Bro does more dmg to himself than the enemies
Pretty sure my HS is still atleast 11
That round ended early 💀
Other team ff
Ah ok
Do you have any skins
How do you get so many kills 💀 I got like a 30% hs rate the last time I checked and I don’t get that many kills lmao
bro has not been playing since a5
Valorant Tracker
Flyawaynutria#2828's Valorant Performance - Valorant Tracker
Detailed performance data for Flyawaynutria#2828 in Valorant.
I mean if you only get one kill and it is headshot u can get 100% HS
Check A5S3
I played

what are you smoking
Naaah bro found his tracker 😭
Valorant Tracker
Find your stats - Valorant Tracker
Valorant Stats! Check your profile and weapon statistics. View the top Valorant players on our leaderboards and how you perform by comparison.
we looking at the same profile? xd
most kill game was 14 and he was botfrag 💀
Huh i cant have been botfrag with 14
14 is really good thats the most i have gotten
Check unrated?
14 is really REALLY good
This is satire pls help
I didn't believe it at first but you genuinely have -87 delta in both comp and unrated
The joke is over! Tell us this is a prank
Tell us it’s a prank
free ult orb
(for enemy)
literally, ult orb way more worth than 13 dmg
I'm telling you its because i dont have the skin
looks like every smurf is gonna drop to iron then
I receive: 13 damage from @FlyawayNutria69
I also recieve: a free ult orb + free gun + kill
He did play Act 5

4 games
For like 2 hours 💀
Yeah man you haven’t played for a year
ay you had the agents going though, simple utilbased characters
Just cause you got the game a year ago doesn’t mean you’ve played during the year
i dont think you should even point that out
playing for a year and iron 1 still isnt something worth mentioning
I still don't get how you get to iron
I swear I'd get banned half way if I tried