VALORANT11mo ago

HELP: High-End PC; Sub-Par Client FPS?

Specs: • OS: Windows 11 Pro • CPU: Intel i9-10900k • GPU: ASUS TUF RTX 4090 OC Edition • RAM: G.Skill 32GB 2x16 D43200 TRIZ RYL (XMP OC Active in BIOS) • Monitor: Acer AOPEN 25XV2Q Fbmiiprx 24.5" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 390Hz Gaming Monitor (Currently set to 360hz, 390hz is Overclocked) • MOBO: Aorus Z590 I made a fresh partition on my SSD specifically for Valorant + Outplayed + Discord. My Client FPS hovers around 200-350, sometimes even dipping below 200 during gameplay. I've done a lot of stuff to increase FPS such as: • Disable Fullscreen Optimization • Set Priority to High for Valorant (as well as the x64 one) • Fullscreen mode for Valorant • NVIDIA Control Panel tweaks to set things to max performance • Low Latency On+Boost It seems that no matter what I do, it won't go above that. I've seen lower spec PCs achieve higher Client FPS so I'm just curious if I'm missing anything crucial
73 Replies
chrisOP11mo ago
Thanks for the reply, but I'd appreciate any actual constructive suggestions
Arii11mo ago
Did you enable turbo and unpark the cores? what settings are you running inside the actual game, if they are too high then of course even with a pc like that you're gonna experience drops in heavy situations. How do your background processes look? Are you perhaps running several overlay programs or heavy 3rd party software?
Saucywan11mo ago
Show task manager, when playing in game
chrisOP11mo ago
Intel Turbo is enabled. I don't know what you meant by unparking the cores though
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mythea11mo ago
valorant is cpu intensive and only require a little of gpu resources use msi afterburner check temps also ugh what's that called nvidia reflex? idk it's equivalent to the amd anti-lag that caps ur fps to not let the cpu go too far thus no unwanted additional latency
chrisOP11mo ago
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chrisOP11mo ago
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chrisOP11mo ago
my limit fps thing is off as well
mythea11mo ago
go settings, turn monitoring stats on at ur osd then play the game u should see overlay there watch a video if u aren't sure how to toggle the osd monitoring overlay ??? why u telling someone to increase his core voltage for no reason do u even know what it does ok bro, u still shouldn't tell someone to increase his whatever voltage for no exact reason unless u are pretty sure his problem is the voltage or he's overclocking
Arias11mo ago
a 4090 will run max settings with like 400+ fps atleast
Arii11mo ago
That is not how computers work my friend
hLo85311mo ago
bullshit lol a 10900k and 4090 build can run valorant at way above that fps and definitely have shit in the background
Arii11mo ago
It’s not about having stuff in the background it’s about WHAT is in the background and also even with good pcs, running crazy resolutions will kill your fps so that’s why I asked for the settings Obviously the system can run above those frames, I have never disputed this, I was simply suggesting ideas for why it might not be reaching past the ones provided I mean yeah I guess if the 80% limit thingy is on it could affect it There is just not enough information to go off of, for all we know it could be thermal throttling
mythea11mo ago
it's the default profile and there's only 1 profile
Saucywan11mo ago
Wait what are you using for the encoding? For outplayed? cpu, or gpu
mythea11mo ago
ugh yeah possibly that if he has a recording software on while playing the game let ur gpu encode it's a 4090 bruh
Arias11mo ago
Dawg you see his specs that is how it works
chrisOP11mo ago
GPU is at 30~34 C while playing. Not sure about the CPU though GPU
Saucywan11mo ago
What's the encoding? x264?
chrisOP11mo ago
I'd have to check once I get home, but I'm pretty sure the encoding is set to whatever is default
Arii11mo ago
If specs were the only thing that mattered then he wouldn’t be having issues at all, I’m not sure what you are trying to say with this
Arias11mo ago
I must have misunderstood what you said before. Did you allow valorant through your firewall? @chris On rare occasions that can cause frame drops
chrisOP11mo ago
mythea11mo ago
try with it off Nvidia reflex caps ur fps tho Nvidia ultra low latency tho
chrisOP11mo ago
Really? @@ I didn't know that. All the FPS guides I've gone through said to enable On+Boost
mythea11mo ago
well just seen some more posts reflex is best to have it on "on" only most of the time boost is like waste of power and maybe even decrease in fps yeah the boost mode is known to decrease ur fps some of them don't even know how it actually works those fps boost guides are garbage I'd rather watch some 10-20 mins videos that explain 1 feature exactly TODAY IN THIS VIDEO U WILL LEARN HOW TO GET 100 FREE FPS Indian accent
chrisOP11mo ago
On + Boost: 260-320 | Lowest Spike: 171 On: 250-320 | Lowest Spike: 146 Off: 210-310 | Lowest Spike: 149 These were just from going over my Deathmatch clips, so the FPS might be higher/lower in certain scenarios. It's just a general range for regular gameplay though
chrisOP11mo ago
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chrisOP11mo ago
chrisOP11mo ago
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chrisOP11mo ago
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mythea11mo ago
wait bro why does ur 4090 only has 4gb ram
chrisOP11mo ago
Because Intel XTU is displaying the VRAM
mythea11mo ago
ye doesn't it has like 16gb vram and what's ur cpu/gpu usage during games it has 24 dude
chrisOP11mo ago
o the fullscreen ss of the 2nd image was just Valorant running my 2nd monitor is Vertical so the ss kinda cropped weird oh
chrisOP11mo ago
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mythea11mo ago
k it's just a xtu bug @chris what's ur cpu and gpu usage while in a match and btw ur psu?
chrisOP11mo ago
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chrisOP11mo ago
in a match rn
mythea11mo ago
use msi afterburner
chrisOP11mo ago
some kind of EVGA 1000W
mythea11mo ago
it's not accurate if u view it like this the game will limit its fps when not focused toggle stats for each core tho u should see the first 8 cores(threads actually) working hard atleast
chrisOP11mo ago
what am i checking in msi afterburner haven't really used it to see stats
mythea11mo ago
cpu average usage & for each core gpu usage and power they're consuming tho temps basically some useful stats
chrisOP11mo ago
sec, lemme figure out how to enable that in afterburner
mythea11mo ago
select the stats u want then toggle osd on screen display if u wanna adjust the overlay position, open rtss minimized to the trayicon
chrisOP11mo ago
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mythea11mo ago
idk which % stats in the gpu section are they referring to there are too many u can toggle fps stats in msi afterburner btw and which windows power plan are u using right now
chrisOP11mo ago
Ultimate is there a way to specify that
mythea11mo ago
u can adjust their order, to make them more comfortable in looking like core clock then usage, vram clock then usage have u tried balanced and high plan
chrisOP11mo ago
It doesn't allow me to show Framerate / Framerate Min / Avg / Max in the OSD yeah, I was using Balanced previously but switched it to Ultimate yesterday
mythea11mo ago
I've checked some videos, and yeah u are getting the performance u should get with a 10900k
chrisOP11mo ago
really? Even when it's OC'd?
mythea11mo ago
what did u oc
chrisOP11mo ago
the CPU
mythea11mo ago
by how much I mean
chrisOP11mo ago
Up to ~5.13 GHz
mythea11mo ago
it already can boost up to 5.3 at turbo that oc makes no sense just generates more heat when not needed
chrisOP11mo ago
ah okok but still, 200-320 fps is normal even for that kind of OC'd 10900k?
mythea11mo ago
average would be like 300-320
chrisOP11mo ago
mythea11mo ago
if u want, adjust the pl2 time to max or unlimited pl1 tho and increase max turbo multiplier this will significantly increase ur temps or more voltage may be needed
chrisOP11mo ago
that's in Afterburner?
mythea11mo ago
know the safety measures first before u go oc them xtu afterburner oc settings is for gpu
chrisOP11mo ago
mbmbmb So PL1 is the Turbo Boost Power Max and PL2 is the Turbo Boost Short Power Max? because by default, both were at Unlimited
chrisOP11mo ago
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chrisOP11mo ago
nvm should've read the info on it
chrisOP11mo ago
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Carry11mo ago
Go in nvidia experience find valorant pur minimul optimizarion and try val
Steve11mo ago
Side thing but You are wasting ur 4090 D4 and 1080p… And the cpu is great but could be better
mythea11mo ago
u can't use ddr5 on 10900k and yeah u def should get 2k or better monitor lol the 4090 right here is absolutely overkill
Steve11mo ago
chrisOP11mo ago
Still in the process of upgrading everything

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