Need Help, account got hacked TWICE
Before you asked, yes i already have 2 factor authentication. No my email isn't hacked it's all safe, just the Riot account.
So My account is SenorBon#Lemon, but when i try to log in i can't, turns out when my friend checked The tracker. The name already changed to Keg66666#12138 (If you're here shame on you) and The rank is Diamond (My highest is Silver 3), i already sent a Ticket to riot but no response, what can i do? Thanks in advance
Ps: In the 3rd Pic: Rena, Pine, and Mikudayo is my friends and they can't find me either in their friendlist

19 Replies
If you have forgotten your login credentials or your account has been compromised, you can try to recover your account by heading to the link below. Permanently banned or deleted accounts cannot be retrieved.
Account Recovery:
@MonsieurBon ^
after u got ur account back, change ur password
Already tried that, it says Your account cannot be automatically recovered. Please submit a ticket for an agent to assist you.
And i already sent a ticket
Haven't gotten any response yet
wait then
@MonsieurBon do you have shop viewer or some softwzre riot related ? Do you click on sus link ? Because third time its dead they will not recover
Nope, never
you missed the totally real champ21 + arcane giveaway
Sharing account ? Buy account ? Someone have acces to your email ?
What i do with my riot account is just around Valorant. Daily Login, checking if my friends are playing, doing some Deathmatch
Just that stuff
chance ur PC was infected
You think its a virus ?
do a fullscan using malwarebytes
there's a chance
since he said he never touched those things
but SMH someone got his credentials
Malwarebyte can detect almost every malware or just the basic one ?
all that were publicly disclosed and found
Oh okay idk this app, pretty cool
any av should do this btw
and unknowns that may even be part of zero day exploits
depending on their algorithm
I guess i can give it a shot
I mean, i don't have any good skins, just ONE battlepass. so like, what's the point of taking my account
Selling it to smurf?
some wants to profit
some just wants to ruin shit from people