would riot ban this pleyer??
โปร Valorant อัพเดทล่าสุด 2024 😁 โครตตึง! มองทะลุ ล็อคเป้า สถานะปลอ...
โหลดโปรได้ที่ https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=%E0%B9%82%E0%B8%9B%E0%B8%A3+valorant+maxprobot&bshm=rime/1
🚀เเก้เข้าเว็บไม่ได้:https://bit.ly/30Jn7s6 ✔️
ดิสคอร์ดพูดคุย https://discord.com/invite/rHqcax9gNK
สอนใช้งานเเบบละเอียด https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROuLN2T4Q_w&t=571s
เว็บขาย ID เเละ...
7 Replies

You can report please with the link below
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
It's common for cheat creators to post or even stream old video of their cheats in order to convince people to give them money. Definitely report them, but they may well have been banned already.
they get banned immediatly its often just a montage of many accounts
they all get banned
The downloads to these are definitely malware too.
oh 100%